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面料和手工都很好!Good material and handwork!

制服面料,牛仔面料,衬衫面料。Fabrics for uniform shirt, jeans.

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尼龙,涤纶化纤梭织面料。Nylon and polyester woven fabrics.

我们有很多种真丝面料。We have many kinds of silk fabric.

刺绣是为了装点丝绸面料。It is for decorating the silk fabric.

成衣无侧缝的,用本身布面料拼幅。Side gussets are made of self fabric.

纺织面料及软垫鞋底。Textile lining and cushioned footbed.

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这个背包的面料是水洗布的。This bag is made of hand-washed cloth.

添加字符的仿皮面料。Faux leather lining for added character.

该产品一年就可收回本钱。看看真丝面料特点。This product will pay its own way in a year.

把白色的描图纸放在面料上。White tracing paper should be used on fabric.

黑色绗缝高科技面料与色调感觉修剪。Black quilted tech fabric with tonal felt trim.

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面料,里料,填充物都和原样一样。Shell, lining, padding all as original samples.

这种尺寸,我们没有你要的面料。We don't have that material you want this suze.

微胖在衣领的纺织面料。Textile lining with extra padding at the collar.

揉面器揉制大量面料的。An apparatus for kneading large amounts of dough.

高质量缎纹面料专供高档酒店使用!Superior satin fabric only for high-rating hotels.

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纺织织物面料的排汗舒适。Textile fabric lining for moisture-wicking comfort.

外套的棉混纺、涤混纺、功能性面料。Cotton mix, poly mix, functional item for jacketing.

斜纹面料织法有明显的斜度,稍有光泽。Twill fabrics texture has apparent rake, a bit luster.