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他看中了这位姑娘。He took a fancy to the girl.

我是一个被恶魔看中的孩子!I'm a child chosen by Belial.

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要自己看中才买。Should we buy their own eyes.

钱是工作中最应看中的吗?Is money the most important aspect of a job?

刘泥鳅看中了湖边珍珠家用过的小舟。Liu loach took the boat lake pearl household.

这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把他买了下来。The painting took his fancy, so he bought it.

年轻一代更多看中个人享乐。The younger generation longs for more personal comfort.

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她在家居展逛了一圈后,一眼就看中了一种抛光砖。In her home around the show ring, on a fancy A polished.

磊就是看中了这个小公园才决定搬来这里的。Lei is the eyes on this small park before deciding moved here.

如果你应聘更适合自己的职位的话他们有可能会看中你They might be into you if you apply for a more appropriate job.

艾华向白一鸣灌输,女人看中的是你的钱。Ai Hua to white women fancy Yiming indoctrination, is your money.

我要加强球队的阵容,而且已经看中了一两名球员。I want to add to the squad and have identified one or two targets.

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租一部英语电影的录影带,但是不要看中文字幕。Rent a video tape of an English movie—and don't read the subtitles.

不要对琐碎事件挥霍时光,也不要过于看中花精神的事。Don't diaphoresis the petty affairs and don't pet the bathed affairs.

报考的研究生中有一个人事先被看中为“可能成功的人”。One of the graduate entry has been marked out as “likely to succeed”.

又看中了红袖添香原创文学网站,冒险一注册,竟然成功了。Also see the original literature site, a risk register, has been successful.

真正看中的东西就买,不要借钱。真正喜欢的男人就追,量力而行。Really fancy things to buy, do not borrow money. Really love the man on, do.

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白道行比青高,看中了清秀老实的印刷工场刻工许仙。White than green high, fancy handsome honest carved Xu Xian printing factory.

方天翼明白,这些日本人看中的是上官家族的声望。Physical aware, of the Japanese people see is the shangguan familys reputation.

郑芳看中公务员的另一点就是它提供的平台。What Zhang values about working as a civil servant is also the platform it offers.