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哇!多美的湖光山色啊!Wow, what a beautiful landscape!

与湖光山色交相辉映的有56处人文历史古迹。Each other and the beauty of 56 historic sites humanities.

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这个村子以其美丽的湖光山色而出名。The village is known for its beautiful mountains and lakes.

照见我的湖光山色。Meets my lake and mountain scenery complementing each other.

一面临山,三面环水,依山傍水,湖光山色。It faces the mountain in one side, and the water in three sides.

这是个很大的城市,湖光山色在蒙蒙细雨中特别美丽。It is large city and very pretty. Scenery amid the misty rain looks very beautiful.

它的湖光山色很迷人,当然我的夫人更喜欢胭脂路上极具中国风情的服饰。Its scenery is very beautiful. My wife likes the Chinese-style costumes on Yanzhi Road.

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我知道有一个景点可以看到美丽的湖光山色,这就是我所看到的。I knew there is a vista point offering beautiful view of the lake and this is what I saw.

往露营地的一路上,他们饱览了秀丽的湖光山色。On their way to the campground, they enjoyed looking at the beautiful mountains and lakes.

空中花园将户外怡人的园林水景,湖光山色直接引入家中。The sky gardens will be outdoor garden fountains and pleasant, landscaped directly into homes.

是的,每年都有成千上万的人群在缅因州的湖光山色和美仑美奂的海岸倘佯休憩。Each year thousands of people retreat to Maine's lakes, mountains and beautiful coast to relax.

杭州西湖以其秀丽的湖光山色和独特的人文景观闻名中外。Hangzhou west lake with its beautiful lakes and mountains and unique cultural landscape world-famous.

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泛舟朝阳,湖光山色,晶莹剔透,让您感受那独有的祥和宁静。Boat in the river, you will deeply move by its beautiful surrounding, feel the particular tranquility.

每年吸引大量的游客到这里来欣尝她的湖光山色和她迷人的城镇。Each year thousands of travelers enjoy Lake Geneva's beauty and explore its charming cities and towns.

当我们正在欣赏湖光山色时,她淘气地把我推进湖里。As we were looking at the mountains all around us, she playfully pushed me off the side into the water.

我踱步到湖光山色的码头旁,租了一条渔光村的小木船,为我划船的是一位老太太。I strolled to the wharf in front of the beautiful scenery of mountains silhouetted in the lake and rented a wooden boat.

一道阶梯式的瀑布和一座邻近建筑的水池同样将博物馆与湖光山色联系起来。A stepped waterfall and pool near the building also serve to make a connection between the museum and the scenery of the lake.

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千年古井,清澈泉水,湖光山色,美不胜收,此外还拥有球场最大的果岭。The scenery is so beautiful with a millenary well, clear fountain, lake and mountain. Here is also the largest green in the course.

那里有湖光山色,阳光大大海或者完全由人工塑造的景致,如加利福尼亚州的迪斯尼乐园等。It may offer mountain scenery, the combination of sun and sea, or features that are entirely manmade, like Disneyland in California.

每个房间都经过精心布局,部分房间配有专门的阳台,可欣赏到湖光山色和优美园林。All rooms are exquisitely decorated, and some are built with a balcony enabling guests to enjoy beautiful views of lakes and gardens.