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用温柔的庄严。With tender majesty.

温柔的人有福了。Blessed are the meek.

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温柔地对他们说。Speak tenderly to them.

你是个温柔的男人,凯。You're a sweet guy, Kev.

"你好,"他温柔地说道。""Hello," he said softly.

我将会向你奔去,温柔的抱你。Ill run 2 tenderly hold U.

我的死穴就是温柔。My dieing point is gentle.

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温柔的女人不美。The tender women are ugly.

翡翠温柔地冲着他笑了。Hisui smiles gently at him.

春姑娘像一个温柔的妈妈。Voice like a gentle mother.

温柔的心,你是否倦了?Art thou weary, tender heart?

谁能给我温柔拥抱,我感觉心快要碎掉了。Who can give me a gentle hug.

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“哈瑞奎师那。”他温柔地说道。Hare Krsna, " he said softly."

如同温柔的牧牛姑娘。Will be Thy gentle gopi maids.

在我看来,他是如此温柔体贴。He's gentle and he seems to me.

他的妻子温柔的打断他。His wife gently interrupts him.

而在他接触你时多么温柔It is in how tender he touches.

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简的性格十分温柔。Jane is of such a gentle nature.

我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里。Killing me softly with his song.

那个温柔的拧你一下的人。Who pinches you softly but sure.