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国际上,小额农贷最早成功实践于孟加拉国乡村银行。Internationally, the microcredit service has first successfully practiced in Bangladesh Country bank.

农贷收到了一定的实际效果,对借贷农民的农业生产起到了一定的救济作用,促进了部分地区农业的增产增收。It also poi nts out that the service had a practical effect and promoted the agricultural production in parts of China.

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农户小额信用贷款是解决民族地区农民贷款难、促进农民增收的有效制度安排,发展民族地区小额农贷具有极强的公共性和外部性。The small fiduciary loans to the farmers is a good means to help them increase their incomes, which has its clear public and external traits.

但由于合作社为富户豪绅把持,农贷并未达到有效遇制高利贷的目的。However, as the cooperative society was controlled by the rich and despotic gentries, the agricultural loan did not prevent the usury effectively.

本文提出以信用共同体破解农村信用社大额农贷难题,并对相关问题加以论述。This paper presents the solution to large sum agriculture loan problem in rural credit agency through credit community and expounds related problems.

最后,小额农贷政策的金融服务属性的约束,无可避免的存在着政策完成过程的风险监控问题。Finally, the small agricultural credit policy bound by the financial services attributes, inevitably there are risk control issues of the policy's process.

公共政策的风险表现于从政策制定到政策执行、政策结束的全过程,小额农贷政策也不例外。The risk of performance in public policy from the policy-making to policy implementation, policy end of the whole process, jot agricultural loan policy is no exception.

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本文对中国近代农贷史上有突出影响的中国农民银行的农贷业务进行了深入探讨。The article surveys in depth the agricultural loaning of the Peasants Bank of China, which played an important part in the history of modern Chinese agricultural loaning.

在此基础上,进一步分析影响演化稳定策略的因素,并据此提出使我国农贷市场朝着规范合理的方向发展的对策和建议。On this basis, the study probes into factors impacting on the evolutionary stable strategies and offers proposals for the rational development of agricultural credit market.

建国初期,为了活跃农村金融,促进农村经济的恢复与发展,国家大力举办了农贷。In the early days of New China, in order to enliven rural finance and promote the restoration and development of rural economy the state extended a lot of agricultural credit.

信用风险是贷款业务中的关键问题。对贷款农户的信用风险进行预测分析是搞好小额农贷业务的关键环节。Credit risk is a key issue in the bank loans, therefore, the prediction of credit risk of offering loans to farmers is very important in the business of micro agricultural loans.

在农业建设方面,农会在改进农业生产、实施二五减租、推行农贷、发展农村合作等方面也发挥了一定功效。On the other side, the farmers' association played a important role in improving on agriculture, relieving taxation, extending credit to the peasantry, developing the cooperation.

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目前我国的小额农贷已有很大发展,由于经济体制改革尚未完成,因而小额农贷体制带有较浓的“转轨”时期色彩。Nowadays the Farmer Microcredit is in good condition, but the institution of it is characterized by a period of "shunt" because the reform of economic institution hasn't finished yet.

旨在为政府如何防范政策风险,促进小额农贷政策支农功能持续发展不断发挥作用,提出构建我国小额农贷政策风险防范的新思路。In order to propose the new idea , which the Government how to prevent the policy risks and promote the small agricultural credit policies play a role in supporting Sannong continuously.

同时,由于我国经济发展不平衡,小额农贷政策内容滞后,已无法解决制约区域经济发展的根本问题。At the same time, as China's economic development is uneven and small agricultural credit policy content lag, the regional economic development constraints can not be solved fundamental problems.