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简直就是个猪圈。A real sty.

他简直激情四溢He can't stop.

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简直是幼稚。That is naive.

这简直是垃圾!This is rubbish!

这简直是不可理喻的事情。It is impossible.

你简直气死我了。You pissed me off.

这简直是疯人院。This is a madhouse.

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这简直荒唐。This was ludicrous.

简直不敢相信“I don't believe it!"

这简直是爆炸式的。It's just exploding.

当然,棒球场上简直“电力十足”。Yeah, it's electric.

简直是喧宾夺主。Is simply unoriginal.

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这尊佛像简直是太大了!So large a joss it is!

实在太美味了,简直难以置信。It tastes unbelievable.

这简直是一场解脱。It was almost a relief.

简直是丢丑!It's really a disgrace!

那对我来说简直不可能完成。It’s impossible for me.

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那简直是胡说八道。That is pure poppycock.

这简直是奶油片。This is cream on cream.

这简直便是熬煎。This is simply torture.