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阿.40纳尔逊赛车引擎。A . 40 Nelson racing engine.

赛车撞上了灯柱。The car ran into a lamp-post.

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即使是赛车也需要停站。Even race cars make pit stops.

他也能从赛车里爬出来。He, too, was able to climb out.

那是一场疯狂的赛车。That's a hell-for-leather race.

我的儿子对赛车着了迷。My son is wild about racing cars.

他对高速公路赛车着了迷。He is crazy about speedway racing.

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巴林站赛车有什么问题呢?What was wrong with it in Bahrain?

他最大的爱好是赛车。His master passion is motor-racing.

评选出10大赛道,10大人物模型,10大赛车。Rate 10 tracks, 10 Mods, and 10 karts.

让我们来赞助一个赛车队来证明这一点。Let's o or a car-racing team to prove it.

一切时尚的设计赛车。All the designs of the vogues and race car.

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他们还取消了克莱斯勒赛百灵赛车12小时比赛。The 12 Hours of Sebring race was cancelled.

他们正在检测新出的赛车。They are testing the newly-made sports car.

让我们来赞助一个赛车队来证明这一点。Let's sponsor a car-racing team to prove it.

该赛车的时速为一百六十英里。The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p. h.

和像青少年奥运会和F1赛车的国际赛事。And International events like YOG and F1 race.

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在菲律宾马尼拉赛车F1和迷你遥控车。F1 car in Manila and mini cars remote control.

泰龙和我的父亲常一起钓鱼、赛车。He and my father bonded over cars and fishing.

她目前是征战印地系列赛赛车手中,人气最旺的一个。Patrick is the most popular driver in IndyCar.