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探出寒噤的脸,大胆张望平仄的大地。Unearthed retailers face, bold tones looked to the land.

而白话非律联则有彻底挣脱平仄束缚的趋势。On the contrary, vernacular unmetric couplet tends to break up the bandage of metres.

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它字数多少不限,但要求对偶工整,平仄协调。It is the number of words is not restricted, but the requirement antithesis neat, tonal harmony.

通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。On the other hand, we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics.

对联对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。Antithetical couplet antithesis neat, tonal harmony, the word is the sound of a Chinese language and unique art form.

可以说三峡就是一首壮丽的诗歌,每一段峡谷,每一片江面,无不平仄和-谐。Can be said that the Three Gorges is a poem sublime, each section of Canyon, every piece of the river, all tonal harmony.

关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。In the academic community, little work has been done to discuss the Ping-ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially.

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这一部分主要对店名的音节、平仄搭配、双声叠韵和叠音词进行分析。This part showed the situation of using words of generic names, development of generic names, high frequency words of specific names.

该文设计的程序可以十分方便地自动、准确分析律诗的平仄格律。The program of this paper can be very convenient automatic, accurate analysis of the patterns of level and oblique tones in regulated verses.

古汉语的平仄、韵脚在译文中荡然无存,东方韵律之美的丢失,无疑成为一种难以挽回的缺憾。The oblique tones and rhyme of Ancient Chinese are lost in translation, and the loss about beauty of rhythmic undoubtedly become an irreparable regret.

新编中学语文教材选了比较多的古典诗词,教学中涉及到平仄、押韵等许多音韵学知识。In the new edition of textbook of Chinese for middle schools, there appear more classical poems requiring the teacher to have some knowledge of tones and rhymes.

使汉字的平仄、音调有规律或者周期性地进行变化,从而造成音韵上的和谐优美,达到音乐美的效果。It allows the tone and rhymes of Chinese characters to change in a regular or recurring way in order to achieve the harmonious beauty of rhymes and musical beauty.

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词最初是为乐曲配写的歌词,所以字数、句数、平仄都因曲调的要求比诗更加复杂。Ci poems, originally lyrics written for songs, have more restrictions on the number of characters, lines as well as tonal styles and are therefore more complex and demanding.

和他们的近体诗相比,竹枝词在韵脚的使用上比较严格,但在平仄和对仗上就比较自由,不受近体诗的束缚。Compared to their recent poetry, the use of rhyme Zhuzhici in more strict, but on the Level and Oblique Tones and highly relatively free from the shackles of the recent poetry.

五绝的四种格式的平仄具有二字音步、平仄交错、粘对联系、出仄对平和音步重音等五条规律可寻,并可以根据这五条规律推导出格律诗的十六种格式。The four types of tonal patterns of the metrical verse of four five-character lines have five rules to go by. And all the sixteen forms of metrical verses can be deduced from those five rules.

平仄要依据一定的规则,并形成了四种平仄格式,可运用“填充法”、“推演法”和“口诀法”来掌握并学会运用律诗的平仄格式。They follow certain rules and have formed four patterns. The methods of "filling", "deducing" and "mnemonical rhymes" can be used to master and learn to use the patterns of level and oblique tones.