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什么理由?What reason?

这是有好理由的。And for good reason.

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这居然成了他们的理由。That's the rationale.

把你的理由告诉我.Tell me your argument.

你的理由是什么呢?What are your reasons?

现在你已经有十个理由了。And now you've got trn.

这理由说得过去吗?Is it the right reason?

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我想有三个理由。Three reasons, I think.

我看不出有什么理由不这样。I see no reason why not.

请把理由告诉我吧。Tell me the reason,pray.

这理由说得过去吗?Is that the right reason?

好,有两个理由。Well for two reas mainly.

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他们有理由担心。They have reason to worry.

没有取笑的理由。It's no matter for jesting.

其理由如次。The reasons are as follows.

最常见的理由呢?Themost often cited excuse?

点解你要问我理由?Why do you need the reason?

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你没有理由心焦。You have no cause to worry.

但我们有理由充满希望。But there's reason for hope.

谁能给我个理由?Can anyone give me a reason?