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我是1708房间的客人。I'm in room 1708.

在客人面前别打呵欠。Don't yawn in company.

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客人们怎么样了?And what of the guests?

但客人并不打开看。But they are not opened.

你们是住店客人吗?Are you in ?house guests?

他是唯一的一个客人。He was the only customer.

我在招待客人。I entertained the guests.

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您贵姓?请问客人姓名?The guest's name, please?

我们把它给了客人们。We gave it to our guests.

客人们三五成群地来。The guests came in groups.

客人都来齐了。The guests are all present.

客人们成双成对地来了。The guests came in couples.

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房东为客人提供床铺。The host bedded his guests.

他们和客人一起吃饭。They eat with their guests.

尊敬的客人们,朋友们!Esteemed Guests and Friends!

请把客人带进来。Show the visitor in, please.

客人可都是闻名世界的主儿。The hosts were world famous.

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别的客人都走光了他还不走。He sits out the other guests.

她点灯带客人去睡。She lighted the guest to bed.

你都这样招呼客人的吗?This is how you greet guests?