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犹如那摇曳的风中之烛。Like a candle in wind.

在白雪飘飞的季节里摇曳。In this white snow season.

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细小的枝杈,随风摇曳。A small twig, the wind swaying.

金黄的油菜花在风中摇曳。Golden rape flower in the wind.

希律王就像一根随风摇曳的芦苇。He was like a reed moving in wind.

我把摇曳的火把交给你I yield my flickering torch to Thee

野芥菜摇曳田垅。Wild mustards flicker in the field.

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野芥菜摇曳田垅。Wild mustards flicker on the field.

乱花摇曳残照里。In twilight various flowers swaying.

烛光在风中摇曳。The candle-light flickered in the wind.

就在残灯摇曳的夜里。In light of the residual sways at night.

树影摇曳,雨声沥沥,我,独自静坐。Flickering shadows, rain I alone sit-ins.

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高高的芦苇在劲风中摇曳。Tall reeds responded to the spanking breeze.

用手捧起摇曳的白云。Holding up the flickering clouds by her hands.

风中摇曳的鲜丽的花朵。The brightly waved flower which is in the wind.

显示出成熟的摇曳的裙摆。Mature beauty swaying skirt from being revealed.

当水波摇曳时,很难看清答案。When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see.

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吊灯的阴影在墙上摇曳。Shadows of the pendent lamps flickered on the wall.

到处是你清澈的影子,摇曳在我的心里。Everywhere is your limpid shadow, drags in my heart.

我们看著在墙上摇曳不定的火光。We watched the flicker of the firelight on the wall.