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他吹哨子解散全体海员。He piped away all the sailors.

国王解散了议会。The king dissolved parliament.

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学校在中午被解散了。The school was disbanded at noon.

但是,这并不意味着他们解散。Settle down. The Guild is disbanding.

它既未解除武装也未解散。It has neither disarmed nor disbanded.

关于解散OGB的举措Motion concerning dissolution of the OGB

总裁解散了公司。The president disbanded the corporation.

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但是,这并不意味着他们解散。But that doesn't mean they are disbanding.

他们解散了该合股公司。They disincorporated the corporate company.

是的,上周解散了。Yeah,BOCOG declared its dismission last week.

你觉得应唔应该解散支联会?Do you think the Alliance should be disbanded?

其实它早在安妮结婚之后就解散了。It had petered out soon after Anne's marriage.

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科威特政府解散了议会。In Kuwait, the government dismissed parliament.

你必须丢弃一切解散军队的动机。You have to discard any thoughts of disbanding.

你必须丢弃一切解散军队的念头。You have to discard any thoughts of disbanding.

航行训练后船长吹哨子解散了水手们。The captain piped the man down after boat drill.

解散由星质构成的目标。Dismiss Ectoplasm. Dissipates ectoplasmic targets.

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黑斯廷斯停止了这个项目,解散了队伍。Hastings killed the project and disbanded the team.

他仍然下令解散骑士团。Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order.

做完操之后,教师吹哨让学生解散。The teacher piped the pupils down after doing drills.