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完全是家里的混事魔王!He was the man in the house!

在魔王之前先到达终点!Reach the finish before Bowser!

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魔界却多出了一位黑色的魔王。Makai has more of a black devil.

父亲,你没看见魔王吗?Father, don't you see the Erl King?

那个年轻人确实是个谋杀妇女的魔王。The young man is really a Lady-killer.

知道魔王是怎么疯掉的吗?Do you know how Beelzebub became crazy?

如果我倒在这个杀人魔王的剑下。If I fell under the sword of that murderer.

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魔王语言可含人的词汇。Beelzebub language can contain the vocabulary.

魔王的女儿们在那阴郁的角落?The Erl King's daughters at that dreary place?

魔王不,我不会把所有魔军都交给你,懦夫。No, I will not empty the hells for you, coward.

魔王的动作让我害怕!The Erl King has done something terrible to me!

魔王的能量增强了,她的力量就减弱了。As the Sauron's power grows, her strength wanes.

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属名和种名意思都是魔王。The genus and species name mean "King of the demons."

那个黑暗魔王你们根本想不到他拥有什么样的武器!The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses!

事实上,恐惧魔王和斯坦索姆仍有联系。In fact, it is possible he is still in contact with Stratholme.

因为魔王很生气,所以他们必须离开魔界才行。They had to get out of the devildom because Demon Lord was angry.

这个魔王能够传授各种艺术与科学,以及其他的秘术。This Spirit can teach all Arts and Sciences, and other secret things.

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接着用这新的能力,伊利丹杀死了恐惧魔王提克迪奥斯。He had then used his newfound might to destroy the dreadlord Tichondrius.

暗夜魔王在夜色中如鱼得水,他的攻击和移动要比在白天快得多。The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.

贝卢斯科尼有时可能比较穷凶极恶,但魔王风格是另外一回事。Mr. Berlusconi can be pretty diabolical, but Satan's style is something else.