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整个装置为50公分高。Entire unit is 50cm high.

现在长到约40公分高了呢!Now they are about 40cm tall!

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然后把它们切成1公分厚度的片。Cut them into 1cm thick slices.

我男朋友大概有195公分高。My boyfriend is about 195cm tall.

这截短棍五十公分长。This stick is so centimetres long.

用锡纸做一个24公分的圆形圈。Make a 24 cm –diameter circle on foil.

将面团擀平约2公分厚度。Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2cm.

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和他们一样,维拉兹盖兹的吉他弦长65公分。Like theirs, his guitars use a 65 cm scale.

将面团杆平并切成直径20公分的圆饼。Roll out dough and cut 20 cm diametre discs.

我们都搞不清那一层5公分的泥巴呢。None of us are clear about a 5 gram hunk of mud.

我身高一百五十五公分高。I am one hundred and fifty-five centimeters tall.

先订出60公分处再贴上身高尺即可!First set of 60cm height and then paste your feet!

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请帮我在墙上钻直径6公分的洞!Please make a hole like 6cm diameter on this wall.

这些钢棒的平均长度为150公分。These steel rods have an average length of 150 cm.

如果我记得没错的话,它的直径约为6公分。If I remember correctly, it is about 6cm in diameter.

请帮我在展台台面上钻直径6公分的洞!Please make a hole like 6cm diameter on top of platform.

那半圆的饺子大概五公分长。The semicircular jiaozi was about five centimeters long.

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站在离对方约60公分的地方握个手。Stand apart from one another approximately 60cm and shake.

此病患因血糖控制不良而住院。刚入院时体重为55公斤,而身高为165公分。She had an initial body weight of 55 kg and height of 165cm.

小羊们可以长到高六十公分并且重达四十五公斤。The little goats can be up to 60cm tall and weigh up to 45kg.