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一篇不错的总论。A good overall review of the field.

全书分为总论与分论两大部分。The book is basically divided into 2 parts.

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第二部分为企业价值收益法评估总论。Second part is the pandect on the income approach of Business Value.

第二章是对华裔母系文学的总论。Chapter 2 is the summary of Chinese American literature of matrilineage.

文章分为引言、总论、分论、结语四个部分。The article includes four parts, preface, introduction elaboration and conclusion.

第一章总论网络文学大众性的内涵及其形成。Chaper one discusses the soul of the popularity of network literature and its form.

引言部分总论初唐宫廷诗和宫廷诗人。The introduction offers a pandect on palace poets and palace poems in early Tang period.

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它应该是对基地随时间所产生的变化、其影响和意义的总论和思索。It should be a summary and reflection upon changes over time within the site, their causes and significance.

第一段总论这种合作的好处,可以共享数据、策略和交流系统。Sharing databases, strategies and communication systems can be the most effective means of attracting customers.

这一章实际上相当于建构小说空间的理论体系的一个总论。This chapter is equivalent to a introduction of building theoretical system of constructing space of novel in fact.

在具体体例安排上,论文主体部分,每章皆分为总论、正文与余论三部分。In the part of subject of this thesis, every chapter is all divided into three parts of introduction , text and other discussion.

这些成绩主要体现在总论、诗歌、文艺理论、小说及辞赋骈文、文集研究五方面。These achievements are mainly showed in the 5 aspects of overall research, research of poem, literature theory, novel and prose, and corpus.

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第一章论述卜德的学术生平及其与中国的不解之缘,总论卜德对中国文化的态度与看法。Chapter 1 discusses Bodde's academic life , his predestined relationship with China, as well as his attitudes and views towards Chinese culture.

本课程的前两周是针对进行即兴创作的简介和即兴创作技巧的进阶训练的总论。The first two weeks will be an overview of performing improvisation with introductory and advanced exercises in the techniques of improvisation.

在刑法总论中,对犯罪中止的研究较为深入,其构成要件也有较严格的界定。There is rigid illustration on discontinuance of crime and a strict limitation in its constitutive essentials in general provisions of criminal law.

共产总论、共产道论和共产建论集中论述了共产道学的基本概念和道学原理。Pandect of Communism, Communist Dao, and Communist Construction deal intensively with the basic concepts and Daoist principles of the Communist Daoism.

本文研究了由相关法规探讨,总论在实际电机电子产品拆解测试之经验。The article first talk about on relevant laws and regulations, then summarized the experience of electrical and electronic equipment breakdown in reality.

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第四章论述时空裂变对苏伟贞及其小说创作的影响,并总论苏伟贞的创作特征。Chapter Four talks over the influence of space-time fission toward Su Weizhen and her writing, concluding the characters of Su Weizhen's literary creation.

本课程的前两周是针对进行即兴创作的简介和即兴创作技巧的进阶训练的总论。The first two weeks of this course are an overview of performing improvisation with introductory and advanced exercises in the techniques of improvisation.

对商事法总论部分尤其是商法史问题的考察和分析历来是我国商法学研究的薄弱环节。The review and analysis on commercial law pandect, especially the historical research, is the weak tache of commercial law study in china all through the ages.