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什么是恩典?What is Grace?

恩典或业报?Grace or Karma?

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恩典,爱和平安。Grace, love and peace.

但他赐更多的恩典。But he giveth more grace.

他充充满满的有恩典,有真理。He is full of grace and truth.

荣耀之君恩典之主!The King of glory and of grace!

恩典与信心是不可分的。Grace and faith are inseparable.

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我们要怎样得到那份恩典?How do you get the grace of God?

戈拉,你完全地在他无比的恩典里面。Gora , in all his matchless grace.

神的恩典足以应付每一试炼。His grace sufficient for each test.

如恩典和自由的声音。That sounds like grace and freedom.

骑士叩谢国王恩典。The knight gave thanks to the king.

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每天的生活,祢都赐下恩典。Each day I live, the grace you give.

耶稣的生命充充满满的有恩典和真理。His life is full of grace and truth.

所以,切不可轻忽恩典。Therefore, never take grace lightly.

忽视公义,就是贬低恩典。To ignore justice is to cheapen grace.

赐我们真如亲兄弟一般的恩典。Grant us the grace of true brotherhood.

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这是恩典和全备的救赎的声音。The voice of grace and full redemption.

对神的恩典我们应存感谢的心。Our response to God's grace is gratitude.

赞美恩典,使我惊觉。Praise the grace whose threats alarm thee.