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善良的心地是花园。Kind hearts are the grands.

大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。We happily spent a happy day.

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杰克逊是心地善良的人。The Jacksons are sweet people.

王总是一个心地善良,很讲效率的人。He is a kind and efficient man.

意志要坚强,但心地要善良。Be tough-minded , but tender hearted.

她是一个心地纯洁的人。She is a person who is pure in heart.

这位瞅客不甘心地接收了他的丧失。Reluctantly the man accepted his loss.

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从前有位姓孙的老医生,心地十分善良。Once there was an old doctor named Sun.

让他们在新的一年来临之际,开开心心地度过。Let them in the new year, happy to spend.

他心地善良,受到大家的喜爱。His kindness of heart endeared him to all.

多半女人喜欢心地善良令人窝心的老公。Most women prefer husbands with big hearts.

他们性情温柔,心地善良,宽容随和。They are soft, good-natured, and easy-going.

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我们的班长是个心地纯洁的人。Our monitor is a person who is pure in heart.

他很穷,然而人却很聪明,心地又善良。He is poor, yet he is clever and noble-hearted.

这个人长得很难看,但心地很好。The man is ugly in his face, but good at heart.

汤姆看上去挺小气,但心地善良。Tom seems rather mean, but he has a kind heart.

心地善良,为人诚实,具有良好的团队合作精神。Kind-hearted, honest, with good team-work spirit.

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他表面看起来冷冰冰的,其实心地很善良。He seems cold but he's very soft-hearted underneath.

一九八三年十一月,我开始热心地以中文下笔。I began Chinese writing in earnest in November 1983.

她已故的丈夫是个心地善良又仁慈的人。Her late husband was a kind-hearted and friendly man.