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她最近做了打胎。She had an abortion recently.

你知道中国持有什么立场对于象打胎、同性结婚这类问题?Do you know where China stands on things like abortion and gay marriage?

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女友怀孕了。第一次打胎的话,会不会友后遗症?Cummer was pregnant. The word of first time abort, can friendly sequela ?

更糟糕的事,如果他们未婚先孕的话,打胎会对女孩的身体造成损害。Still worse, abortion owing to pregnancy before marriage, will be physically damaging to girls.

可没想到,艾红怀了曹光义的孩子,为了打胎,托郭娥求郭虎帮忙签个字。Can not think of, AI Honghuai child Cao Guangyi, in order to support abortion, Guo Eqiu Guo tigers sign.

而更令人震惊的是,每20个怀孕的未成年少女中就有1个至少是第二次打胎的。Shockingly, one in 20 teenagers who fall pregnant end it with an abortion which is at least their second.

父母也能在胎儿尚在子宫时就进行筛选,以决定是否要打胎。Parents could also begin to screen fetuses while still in the womb and then decide whether or not to abort a pregnancy.

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年夜略异国题目比安定死和打胎更有争议性,它们都涉及结束一个别的生命。Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being.

有了孩子为筹码的宁彩霞的底气更足,她要求周敏芝为女儿买一个大三居,否则就带着女儿去打胎。Have children for chip NingCaiXia style more, she asked Zhou Minzhi for her daughter to buy a junior, it took her two daughters to abortion.

我怀孕了,可我不想和他结婚。如果他不带我去医院打胎,我可以起诉他吗?请给点法律上的专业知识。I was pregnant, but I do not think and he marries. If he does not take me to go to a hospital abort, can I sue him?Give a dot jural professional knowledge please.

刘姐求阿莉吉亚帮她买麝香,不明就里的阿莉吉亚采购的时分发现此药价钱昂扬,且是用作打胎,责怪刘姐诈骗她。O LiuJie ask lisa giacomo help her buy musk, uninformed, Sally giacomo purchasing dawn. the found the drug price, and is used for high end, blame LiuJie fraud her.

以前这是非法的,因为家长们发现肚子里是个女孩,就会打胎,不过价钱合适你也可以买。Earlier they were actually illegal because when parents would find out it was a girl they would just get an abortion but for the right price you could still get them freely.

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因为卡塔丽娜的到来,特蕾莎让贝伦打掉孩子,贝伦想用打胎药害死卡塔丽娜,谁知被安赫拉识破,贝伦反而误服了打胎药。The arrival of the tower with Rena, Teresa let belem aborted child, belem want abortion phytotoxicity death card lina, but Ann Hera was, one the abortion pill instead of belem.