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他们进一步扩大了机耕土地的面积。They further increased the area of machine-cultivated land.

本文用有限元法研究机耕船船体的动态强度问题。The dynamic strength of BTTM hull is studied with finite element method.

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船式拖拉机俗称机耕船,是我国首创的一种新型拖拉机。The ship-type tractor is a new shaped tractor, which is forst developed in China.

作者认为,在机耕船上采用四足步行机构是可行的。Thus we consider that if is feasibly to adopt a four feet walking mechanism in Boat-Tractor.

1938年,德州恰得莱斯县西部棉区,机耕取代雇工。Power farming displaces tenants from the land in the western dry cotton area. Childress County, Texas, 1938.

一些有机耕作者喜欢在农作物之间种草,以防止水土流失。Some organic farmers prefer planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil.

接地比压视土壤机械性质、机耕船的几何尺寸和重量等因素而定。The ground pressure depends upon the mechanical properties of soil and the geometry and weight of the machine.

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本文根据试验结果较详细地分析了机耕船在不同土壤条件下的牵引性能。On the basis of test results, this article analyzes the tractive performance in detail under different soil conditions.

通过机耕船的悬挂装置、提升和调节结构实现升降和耕深调节。Through the hanging equipment, upgrading and adjust outfit it can carry out the rising and falling and adjust depth of cultivating.

本文通过对国内外一些士槽的分析,设计了一种既适用于水田轮试验又适用于机耕船试验的水田土槽。This paper describes in detail the design of an indoor paddy soil bin suitable both for paddy-wheel test and for floating boat test.

本文介绍了一种新颖的旋耕机耕深自动测量和记录装置的原理和构造。The paper presents the principles and construction of a new apparatus for automatically measuring and recording tillage depth of rotary tiller.

同时,作者还分析了机耕整地的作业成本及所采取的技术培育措施,认为机耕整地造林在技术上是可行的,经济上是合算的。Meanwhile the author studied the work cost and techniques in this measure, which was proved to be feasible in technology and worthwhile in economy.

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通过对国内外传统的几种旋耕机耕宽确定方法的分析,指出它们的不足之处。This paper points out what is to be improved in the traditional methods for defining tilling width of rototillers adopted in China and other countries of the world.

传统的砍、烧、机耕整地使桉树林地的枯枝落叶和养分库呈突变形式退化。The degradations of litter layer and nutrient pool under EF were abrupt as the traditional reforestation like cutting, firing and machinery management was implemented.

比如目前推广的大学生村官政策,就将通过大学生教给农民活机耕作技术,提高他们环境保护意识。The current promotion of college students to serve as village officers, for instance, could be enhanced with training on biodynamic farming technology and environmental protection.

机耕船是中国在发展农业机械化过程中一项卓有成效的发明,是一种较好的水田动力机械。The boat type tillage machine is one of highly effective inventions in the development of agricultural mechanization in China. It is a fairly good power machine used in paddy field.

船式耕作机械中的机耕船、机滚船、船形水田拖拉机都是利用浮式工作原理,在深泥脚水田的耕作中有很好的适用性。Weigeng ship, Roller-ship and Boat-shaped paddy tractor in boat-farming machinery are working in the principle of floating, which have a good application of farming in the deep mud.

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有壁犁深耕比播种机耕的好处可解释为在土壤剖面中储存了更多水分,又有更多的根系吸取了这些水分。The benefits of deep ploughing with a moldboard could be explained by more moisture in the profile and more root volume to extract this soil moisture compared to the cultivator system.

并在土槽中进行了单轮叶动力性能试验、水田轮轮叶相互干扰试验、机耕船牵引阻力试验、滑板阻力试验和插秧机牵引性能试验。This Paddy soil bin was successfully used for tests in the dynamic performance of a single blade-lug, the motion resistance of floating boats, and the performance of skids and rice transplanters.