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他养了一些信鸽。He raised some carrier pigeons.

他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信。As a result, the carrier pigeon.

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养信鸽是他的业余爱好。Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.

这里有几只信鸽也不错。Here are a few carrier pigeons is not bad.

家鸽的一种,类似信鸽,有暗黑的羽毛。Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling owls.

如果信鸽和啄木鸟杂交我们能得到什么?What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon ?

提供一个电话,电子邮件,或信鸽和说,您好如果您有。Give a call, e-mail, or carrier pigeon and say hello if you're there.

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发现一堆信鸽里面有一只斑鸠,花色还真的很好看。Found inside a pile of pigeon and a turtledove, color really looks good.

如何开始训练在这个自由的动物护理一个年轻的信鸽视频。How to begin training a young homing pigeon in this free animal care video.

信鸽可以训练用来执行人们所要求的任务。The homing pigeon can be trained to carry out the mission that people demand.

欢迎访问荷兰全球信鸽咨询服务网!Welcome to visit the Dutch whole world carrier pigeon advisory service network!

我再次踏上去桑菲尔德的路途,真有信鸽飞回家园之感。Once more on the road to Thornfield, I felt like the messenger-pigeon flying home.

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那群信鸽组成了PLA的军方鸽子部队的核心。That group of pigeons would form the core of the PLA's first military pigeon brigade.

这对鸽子实际上是信鸽,是那种仪式上用的鸽子。They were actually white homing pigeons, a more reliable bird for ceremonial purposes.

宠物还可以代替信鸽,将你的思念投递到世界的任何一个角落。The pet may also replace the carrier pigeon, delivers the world yours missing any corner.

无论是哪一种,这是一起出色的犯罪,因为罪犯是一群鸟-信鸽。Either way , it could be the perfect crime, because the criminals are birds—horning pigeons !

罗云山收到信鸽传来的密件,他们迅速将截获的密件进行破译。Luo Yunshan receiving pigeons from documents, they will quickly seized documents to decipher.

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百灵正在喂信鸽,已是排长的郭厚民带来了新鸽笼,百灵很高兴。Larks were feeding pigeons, was long Guo Houmin brought new pigeon house, lark. Glad to see you.

第一个要素似乎有了相当圆满的答案,我们已晓得信鸽辨别方向有两种方法。The first part seems to be pretty well answered, and we know of two ways that pigeons tell direction.

在他的著作中,他同样权威地认为汉森是他那个时代最伟大的远程信鸽作翔者。In his writings the same authority believed that Hansenne was the greatest long distance racer of his day.