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动能是守恒的。Kinetic energy is conserved.

也就是,总能量是守恒的。So, total energy is conserved.

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下一个,动量守恒。Okay, conservation of momentum.

总能量必须是守恒的。Total energy must be conserved.

但动量却守恒。Momentum, however, was conserved.

我们仍将看到违反CP守恒的现象。We still see a version of CP violation.

能量在其任何形式都是守恒的。Energy is conserved in all of its forms.

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它讲的是能量的守恒。It talks about the conservation of energy.

因此这是,机械能守恒。So this is the conservation of mechanical energy.

现在他要演示能量守恒定理。Now he will demonstrate the conservation of energy.

我们要再一次假定,动量是守恒的。Again, we have to assume that momentum is conserved.

我们相信,机械能守恒定理。We believe in the conservation of mechanical energy.

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这是唯一的方法,自然使动量守恒之道。That's the only way that nature can conserve momentum.

最后得到了此方程的守恒律。Then we give the conservation laws of ZK-MEW equation.

那么,“能量守恒”会是这类误导我们的观念之一吗?Is conservation of energy one of those misguided ideas?

老师说,万事万物都是质量守恒的。The teacher said, everything is a conservation of mass.

在皮亚杰之前,没有人注意到守恒Before Piaget, nobody noticed these conservation findings.

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它不再其他任何点,守恒,但是没有问题。It is not conserved about any other point, but that's okay.

单调性、守恒性,是一种便于逻辑推理的表达形式。It is a form of expression convenient for logical deduction.

现在我想回到,机械能守恒。Now I want to return to the conservation of mechanical energy.