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重新分配土地是红区政策中的一个根本要素。Redistribution of land was a fundamental of Red policy.

在穿过红区后我开始放松下来。And with the Red Zone finally behind me, I started to relax.

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斯特兰表示,绿区和红区将会彼此隔离。Zittrain says the green and red zones would be insulated from each other.

该法具有红区测量光谱干扰小的优点,用于铝合金样品中铁含量测定,结果令人满意。It was applied to the determination of iron in aluminum alloy samples with satisfactory results.

我认为我们可能比以前需要更多一些的进攻,同时但愿我们能具有更强的爆发力并尽量挺进红区。I think we'll be a little more offensive, and hopefully more explosive and hopefully get in the end zone.

罗林斯是个大无畏的人,这货喜欢体验在红区最危险时候的感觉。Rawlings is a fearless fellow, and would have relished the chance to experience the Red Zone at its reddest.

在西安府以北大约150英里的一个市镇——洛川,当时是陕西红区的起点。Lochuan, a town about one hundred fifty miles north of Sianfu, then marked the beginning of Red territory in Shensi.

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作为一种替代的办法,斯特兰建议把个人和商业电脑的运行结构分为“绿区”和“红区”。As an alternative, Zittrain recommends that the operational architecture of personal and business computers be divided into "green zones" and "red zones."

作为一种替代的办法,斯特兰建议把个人和商业电脑的运行结构分为“绿区”和“红区”。As an alternative, Zittrain recommends that the operational architecture of personal and business computers be divided into "green zones" and "red zones. "

它监测“辐射水平”的一个直观的绿黄色,红色显示,并发出警告的振动和音频你如果你太接近“红区”。It monitors the "radiation levels" with an intuitive green-yellow-red display, and warns you with a vibration and a tone if you get too close to the "red zone.

当地警方指出,查提斯加已成了4千名毛派成员的要塞,他们佔据南区的查提斯加森林,当地人则称那里为「红区」。The region is now a stronghold of up to 4,000 well-armed Maoists, police say, who freely roam the forests of southern Chhattisgarh in what locals call the "red zone".

电子控制和传感器,水龙头的水流量开放,是由一个发亮的发光二极管发出的光波段的变动,从蓝区到红区会观察到水温。Incorporating electronic controls and sensors, the faucet's open water flow is illuminated by an LED light band that changes from blue to red depending on water temperature.