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谢谢你馈赠礼品。Thank you for the gift.

之后,吉姆回到台上馈赠礼物。After, JZ returns to give gift.

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是大自然馈赠给人类的奇珍异宝。Nature's gifts to human treasures.

他对你的馈赠婉言谢绝了。He declined your offer with thanks.

那时以前你虚假感情的馈赠。That erst thy false affection gave.

当然它也是出门在外馈赠之佳品。Of course, it is also out gift of taste.

人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。Ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent.

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以前我们得以一直使用它这是别人的馈赠。That we ever got to use it at all was a gift.

在那一刻,我明白我得到了令我感愧的馈赠。At that moment I knew that I had been outgiven.

这些才是失败馈赠给你的真正的礼物。These are the real gifts the failures offer you.

是的,先生。这是我们周末的馈赠品。Yes, sir. We give extra meat rations on Fridays.

世界就像它本身一样,有无穷无尽的礼物要馈赠。The world, just as it is, has endless gifts to offer.

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你以为可以逃避我慷慨的馈赠,但这是没有用的。You thought to escape my munificence but it is in vain.

我们的椅子都是在街边捡回来的,垃圾堆之夜的馈赠。Our chairs were street scores, the gifts of garbage night.

我就是于七月里一夜在山间获其馈赠的。I leaned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains.

鸸羜昨日成历史,明日尚为谜,唯今日是馈赠。Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.

公司馈赠有助于创造绝佳的商业机会。Corporate gifting helps to create excellent business chances.

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你们中有些人认为我高做或过于羞怯而不愿接受馈赠。Some of you have deemed me proud and over-shy to receive gifts.

“送礼送健康”,我司人体健康秤是目前时尚的馈赠佳品。Gift to send to health , I weigh the Secretary for human health.

干坝绣情趣高雅,是馈赠贵客之佳品。Ganba embroidery, with elegant taste, is quality goods for guests.