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现在您当然会怀疑,因为过去我们确实存有疑义。Now you may be understandably skeptical, as we certainly were.

当时,老总们也都通过了,没有人再提出疑义。At that time, misters also passed, nobody proposes the doubt again.

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疑义的存在应坚持客观存在,不能主观臆断。Doubt the existence of objective reality should insist, not subjective.

奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。A remarkable work should be enjoyed together and doubts analysed in company.

从性质来看,杨佳被判处死刑,是没有疑义的。In light of this event itself, there is no doubt that Yang Jia should be sentenced to death.

没有疑义现金垫款贷款比从银行的一笔标准贷款将运载一种高利率。No doubt in cash advances from bank loans than a standard loan would carry a higher interest rate.

为避免疑义,欧盟商业订购者需要缴纳任何适用的欧盟间接税。For the avoidance of doubt, EU business Subscribers are required to remit any applicable EU indirect taxes.

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因此,在正统的观念中,普遍认为“土地资源是有限的”,这似乎没有任何疑义。In the normal concept, it is generally believed that " the land resources are limited " , which seems undoubtful.

提出一种基于互信息和疑义度相结合的知识约简方法。A method of knowledge reduction based on the combination of mutual information and doubtful measure is proposed in this paper.

本文对前人确定的黑龙江群与麻山群的界限、接触关系及两群变质地体的性质提出疑义。This paper throws doubt upon the boundaries defining the Heilongjiang Group and Mashan Group and the behavior of their contact.

不管怎样没有西部秘密主义和东部传统她卓越的综合成为一个基础为新的年龄的疑义。Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age.

国民党有今天的下场,这笔帐虽未必全应记在李登辉头上,但李登辉应负极大责任则应无疑义。Although one may not lay the blame on Lee Teng-hui alone, definitely he must take substantial responsibility for what the KMT has suffered today.

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比亚迪发言人林密称,该公司对于国土部的决定无任何疑义,他同时表示这一决定将不给比亚迪的运营带来任何负面影响。Paul Lin, a spokesman for BYD, said the company will follow the ministry’s decision and that it won’t have any impacton the carmaker’s operations.

如今,对因侵权产生的精神损害赔偿,无论在理论上还是司法实践上都没有疑义。Nowadays, it is unquestionable that whether in theory or in practice the damages for non-pecuniary loss under liability for tort should be awarded.

俄罗斯将会打败小得多而且装备相对落后的格鲁吉亚军队,这点从无疑义。It was never in doubt that Russia would defeat the much smaller and less well-equipped Georgian force, but the manner of the victory exposed some shortcomings

长期以来,学界对债权人撤销权的性质、债权人撤销权构成要件疑义颇多,导致实戏中适用标准不一。For a long time, the academic field always debate on the issue of the nature and the constitutive requiremnts, which leads to the various standards in practice.

特别代表人的代表权,有疑义时,及于分派给此种代表人的事物通常所引起的一切法律行为。The power of representation of such a representative extends, in cases of doubt, to all legal transactions that the sphere of business allocated to him normally entails.

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本文分别以矩形截面梁和工字形截面梁为例对此问题进行定量描述,以此消除教学中学生的疑义。This essay makes quantitative description, taking rectangular section beam and I-shape section beam as examples respectively, in order to eliminate the doubt of students.

市民组半程马拉松、10公里奖金需在网上公示10日无疑义后,再予于发放。Prize money will not be distributed until 10 days after competition results of Half Marathon for Local Citizens and 10-km Race are released on the website without question.

行政院对该事项是否属地方性公民投票事项有疑义时,应提经行政院公民投票审议委员会认定之。If there is any doubt whether the matter is subject to local referendum, the Executive Yuan shall have it recognized by the Referendum Review Commission of the Executive Yuan.