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你已经在字帖上教过我了。Thou hast taught me in the hornbook.

这个模版是用EXCEL做成的,比较像中国的字帖。The model tool made by EXCEL, like chinese copybook.

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这本字帖是内容重要,还是形式重要?Which is more important in this copybook, what to write or how to write?

两个目不识丁的女人都把眼睛盯着这张宝贝字帖。The two women, neither of whom could read, studied the precious slip of paper.

书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

这些字帖卡片悬挂在我们课桌的金属杆上,就像许多小旗在教室里飘扬。They were like little flags, waving all about the class, hanging from the rods of our desks.

为何会信手开了抽屉,把夹在抽屉缝的字帖收入袖中呢?Meeting why at random opened drawer, clip the copy book income Xiu that sews in the drawer in?

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“知道的,妈妈,”那孩子说。“那是一个大写的A宇。你已经在字帖上教过我了。”"Yes, mother, " said the child. "It is the great letter A. Thou hast taught me in the hornbook. "

字帖儿最适合小学生用来模仿写字。Calligraphy notepads are the best option for primary students that want to practice their writing.

茶楼在主街道上一字排开,游客们每天早上成群结队的前来购买书法字帖、珍珠和古玩。Teahouses line the main street, where tourists flock each morning to buy calligraphy, pearls, and antiques.

查尔斯正用笔在桌上的一本字帖上划着,乔在跟着他一起读,而乔的妈妈正在角落里纺纱。Charles was at the table, ruling a copybook Joe was reading to him, while his mother wasspinning in the corner.

学生需自带毛笔,砚台,与墨汁。学校供应写字萱纸及字帖。Students need to bring their own Writing brush, inkstone and ink. School will provide the Xuan paper and Zitie.

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无论他们的笔迹与字帖相差多大,写的字有所创新表明这个人很有自信和较高的审美能力。Originality in handwriting-how far the writer derivates from copybook script-indicates confidence and artistic ability.

这是范成大和友人讨论一些事情的信,也在信中向友人借字帖来欣赏。In the letter Fan Chengta made some discussion with the friend and asked his friend if the friend could lend him some calligraphy tzu-tiehs for appreciation.

这些字帖挂在我们课桌的铁杆上,就好像许多面小国旗在教室里飘扬。They were like little flags, waving all about the class, hanging from the rods of our desks. You should have seen how hard we all worked and how silent it was!

得了柳永和林媚的字帖,便仿他们的字迹写了两张小纸条,只待搅动浑水,他才适时出手。Got always and Lin Mei's copy book, then imitate their record of writings write two small notes, needs to be shaken up Hun water, he just make moves in good time.

待得放好,突然一惊,又拉开抽屉再细看,自己曾放在抽屉里的两张字帖却不见了。Treat put well and suddenly a surprised, and then draw back drawer to scrutinize again, UGG Classic Cardy, oneself once put in two copy books in the drawer but was missing.

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通过学习有限的输入字帖,实时全自动地独立创作出风格迥异的书法作品是计算机艺术仿真研究领域中的一个重要方向。By learning the various character image samples, the automatic and synchronistic generation of new Chinese calligraphy styles is a key problem in the computer artistic simulating.

有时案前视线中放一本米芾的字帖,脑中浮想的是日本的俳句,写下的却是独字或无字了。Sometimes in front of the table displays the cursive script of Mi Fu, while in the head emerges Japanese Haiku, but what finally written down is just a single character or even none character.