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一些人对此抱怨嘟囔。Some grumbled.

她嘟囔着回应我。She murmured her response.

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“堆-对不起,”他嘟囔着。“Suh-sorry, ” he muttered.

我听见他在后面直嘟囔。I heard him rumbling at the back.

没用教养的孩子。“袋熊嘟囔着。"Kids! No respect" grumbled Wombat.

“都怪这场雨,”她嘟囔着。"Blame it on the rain, " she muttered.

“魔鬼的幸运,”天使嘟囔着。"Luck of the devil, " muttered the angel.

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“啊,今天是你的幸运日吧,”他不满地嘟囔道。“Ah, today is just your lucky day,” he gripes.

喔,“他嘟囔着,”我敢说我知道那是什么。Oooh, " he purred. "I bet I know what those are.

老天爷,你们两个还在嘟囔些什么?。For heaven's sake, what are you two jawing about?

我嘟囔着,她却急了,回手给我一巴掌。I mumbled, she is anxious, the hand slap my face.

你不可以哼曲子或者有任何形式的嘟囔。You may no longer hum or do any form of beadwork.

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艾舍斯特沉醉于自己的骑士精神,继续嘟囔着。Drunk on his own chivalry, Ashurst went on murmuring.

“好吧”克鲁利失落地嘟囔着,他突然觉得特别孤独。"Right," mumbled Crowley, suddenly feeling very alone.

你打算站在那跟自个儿嘟囔个没完是吗?Are you just going to stand there muttering to yourself?

一个人在烧着一盒火柴,对着火焰嘟囔着。Another burned a book of matches, muttering at the flame.

他嘟囔着说出了他不喜欢这个安排的理由。He grumbled out his reasons from disliking the arrangement.

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“我为什么和你一起?”离后门最近的那个哈利嘟囔道。"Why'm I with you?" grunted the Harry nearest the back door.

他继又把头抬起,望着天空嘟囔He raised it again, and once more looked at the sky, murmuring

当他一脸惊骇的转过头,那女人便开始嘟囔着向他道歉。When he turned in utter surprise, she started babbling out an apology.