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我们的球拍真贵。Our racquets are expensive.

这个球拍的避震机能大好!The shock is in good racket!

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赛后,戴门蒂耶娃仍然心有余悸,“我不能为澳网比赛继续热身,甚至我都很难再挥动球拍”。I couldn't even hold my racket.

有很多木头球拍靠在墙边。Wood paddles leaned against a wall.

球场在那儿摆着,球拍也在那儿摆着。There are courts. There are rackets.

如果是我的话可能会摔掉好几副球拍。I would have broken a couple of racquets.

我的手因握球拍而起了水疱。My hands blistered from holding the racket.

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一种木制球拍,如乒乓球拍。A wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis.

这样,球网和球拍给她双重的保护。This way both the net and her racket head protect her.

一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.

外公眼疾手快,立刻用球拍把球打了回来。Grandpa load, immediately hit the ball with the racket.

大概对糖蜜这样的人来说它还是很像样的球拍。Probably still a decentracquet for someone like Treacle.

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守门员把球拍了两下之后一脚踢出去。The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it.

你好好儿想想,到底把球拍放哪儿了?Thiink carefully, where did you put the racket in the end?

总感觉球要出去了一样——从球拍上。My feeling was the ball is going out too -- from my racquet.

球拍一直要下降到击球点的下方。The racquet always has to drop down below the contact point.

伊斯内尔把他的球拍扔到了地上,以0-30落后对手。Isner chucked his racquet to the floor, and fell 0-30 behind.

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你从来不会看到他情绪失控,不会见到他摔球拍,也不会看到他和裁判较劲。You never see him lose his cool. Never see him break a racket.

这种球拍能使运动员打出转得更急的旋转球。This racket enables the player to impart more spin to the ball.

我们用袋子将夹克和球拍打成小包。I packed the jackets and rackets into packets with the sacks.