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而国际社会必须更加关注劣药——这是发展中国家的一个迫切问题。And the international community must give

中国是“发展中国家”的一个新形态。China is a new form of Developmental State.

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巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎在发展中国家很常见。CMV retinitis is common in developing countries.

发展中国家的意见应该得到充分体现,发展中国家的利益应该得到切实维护,这是联合国改革取得成功的关键。Herein lies the key to the success of UN reform.

大多数人处境贫寒并且生活在发展中国家。Most are poor, and live in developing countries.

在这49个国家中,只有17个是发展中国家。Out of those 49, only 17 are developing countries.

战争阻碍了许多发展中国家的发展进程。War impedes progress in many developing countries.

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这是依据对59个发展中国家的调查研究。This is based on a study of 59 developing countries.

许多其他的发展中国家正在希望赶上来。Many other developing nations are hoping to catch up.

发展中国家很少报告这种伤害。This injury is underreported in developing countries.

这些死亡几乎全部发生在发展中国家。Almost all of these deaths are in developing countries.

但是发展中国家仍然跃跃欲试。But developing countries are nevertheless raring to go.

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中国是本地区最大的发展中国家。China is the biggest developing country in this region.

发展中国家的人们并没有这种富贵病。People in developing countries do not have that luxury.

比发展中国家要负更多的责任。这一点你怎么看?than developing countries. What do you think about that?

但是在发展中国家,这种制冷剂可以使用到2040年。But developing countries are allowed to use it until 2040.

人工授精技术在大多数发展中国家都有不同程度的应用。AI is practiced at some level in most developing countries.

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许多发展中国家正在经受人口学的变化。Many developing countries are enjoying demographic changes.

迅速大规模接纳发展中国家是让世界面貌一新的唯一出路。A burst of inclusion is the only way to make the world anew.

这种观点和其他发展中国家的一些观点相符。This view coincides with that of other developing countries.