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这是自大狂医生减肥法The egomaniac doctor diets.

这是自大狂者的一派胡话。These are the mere ravings of megalomaniacs.

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Fengbald是一个自大狂,可他很年轻,也很愚蠢。Fengbald is a swaggerer, but he's young and still foolish.

企业界到处都是自大狂掌管一切的例子。The business world is full of examples of hubris taking over.

承保这一自大狂成果的费用由纳税人负担。Taxpayers bear the cost of guaranteeing this fruit of megalomania.

而弟弟觉得姐姐是个蛮横的“自大狂”,总自以为自己什么都懂似的。The pain thinks his older sister, the great one, is a bossy know-it-all.

如果他没这么做,那他就是个令人难以置信的自大狂,或者精神病患。If that doesn't happen, he's just unbelievably arrogant, or a psychopath.

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鲍勃是个自大狂。他总跟别人炫耀自己有多棒。Bob is such a big-head. He never stops telling people how wonderful he is.

他很聪明,他帮了我很多,他帮我不会变成自大狂。He is very bright. He helps me a lot, to not have any fits of megalomania.

我们应该彻底消除那种致命的抛弃文化遗产的自大狂。Wedo well to avoid the fatal and arrogant conceit of jettisoning our heritage.

有天晚上我在手机看到一个tweet,然后我像是…,‘上帝,这人也太自大狂了!’I saw a tweet on my phone one night and I was like, 'God, this guy's so pretentious!'

英国媒体不清楚,是什么让这个高傲的自大狂拥有一副花花公子的面相。The British media were not sure what to make of this swaggering ego with playboy looks.

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弗拉基米尔·普京总统的批评者立马就抓住这个机会,把他描述成一个性情难测的,迷恋权术的自大狂。President Vladimir Putin's critics seized the moment with alacrity to portray him as a whimsical megalomaniac.

他被人称为“自大狂”。尽管手段野蛮残忍,但他其实自诩为“师奶杀手”。He was nicknamed the Arrogant One, and despite his cruel and uncouth ways, actually fancied himself as a lady's man.

不,对于令人尴尬的真相,这个充满不安全感的自大狂几乎肯定会予以否认,并斥责报道真相的媒体。No, the insecure egomaniac-in-chief will almost surely deny awkward truths, and berate the media for reporting them.

你当初要娶我这样的好女人也许是对的,可我嫁给你这样的自大狂绝对是错的!You should marry me at the outset such good woman perhaps is right, but I marry you such egomania is a fault absolutely!

没有人喜欢自大狂,尽量别大声地自吹自擂。数一数自己的福气,亲切地接受自己所赢得的掌声。Nobody an egomaniac , so try not to brag too loudly. Count your blessings and accept the applause you've earned graciously.

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没有人喜欢自大狂,尽量别大声地自吹自擂。数一数自己的福气,亲切地接受自己所赢得的掌声。Nobody likes an egomaniac , so try not to brag too loudly. Count your blessings and accept the applause you've earned graciously.

由于他根本不把这项运动的危险和仅有的规则放在眼里,因此获得了“自大狂”的绰号。He earned the moniker "Arrogant One" due to his flagrant disregard for the hazard of the sport and what few rules governed the races.

可卡因毒性大,易成瘾,大多数吸食者会产生自大狂,相信自己无所不能,引发怪异的行为。Cocaine is poisonous and addictive. Many cocaine used develop a false sense of their own indestructibility. Behaviour is often erratic.