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从蒙特利尔货场运道渥太华的运输,应该先预定好。For shipment destined to Ottawa, On, it should be booked upto Montreal CY.

阐述了该系统的工作原理,以及在室外货场中的应用。Its working principle and its application in freight yard operation are elaborated.

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这是朋友和同事们向我推荐的诸多平价食货场中最好的一个。It was the first of many frugal food destinations recommended to me by friends and colleagues.

市内设地方铁路专用线及货场,货物可直抵香港。City set up a dedicated local railway line and the freight yard, goods may be leading to Hong Kong.

适用于各种厂房、货场、仓库、大型室内体育馆所等固定工作照明。Applicable to all kinds of factories, warehouses, freight yard, a large indoor stadium and other fixed lighting.

从而对整个枢纽的资源整合以及主中心货场的选择提供必要的数据依据。Thus the Resource Integration of the entire hub and the choice of Center freight yard are formed based on the data.

站点毗邻联合太平洋铁路公司的分类货场。该货场是当地大部分工业运输终点。The Railport is adjacent to the UP classification yard which is the destination for most of the local industry traffic.

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本文应用排队论的理论,对铁路货场用起重机装卸汽车这一随机服务系统进行了探讨。This paper discusses the problem of loading and unloading of trucks by crane in railway goods yards as a queuing system.

四岁时,在亚特兰大城,我从货场一辆货车上摔下来撞倒头,于是便失去了光明。I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head.

国外货场需求中国公司做第三方担保,如贵公司有这方面能力请与我联系。Foreign demand for Chinese companies to do yard third-party guarantee, if your company has this capability, please contact me.

本论文可以为东货场的转型发展提供指导,并为铁路货场的改革提供参考。The thesis provides a guide to the restructuring development of Foshan East Railway Yard and the reform of other railway yards.

适用于货场装卸、巡查检修、事故抢修等各种室内外场所作移动照明。Applicable to the freight yard handling, maintenance, repair and other accident inspections of indoor and outdoor mobile lighting.

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买方应自费负责将货物从目的港码头或集装箱货场转运到买方仓储地。The Buyer shall undertake in-land transshipment from the quay or container yard AT the destinATion to the storage place AT his own cost.

本实用新型适用于物流管理如货场、仓库等应用场合。The utility model is acceptable for the application occasions of physical distribution management, such as goods yards, warehouses, etc.

司马空将要遵守戴老板的命令将电台搬到周院长那里,货场就空下来了,让刑书媛搬到这里住。SiMaKong radio will abide by the wear the bosss command will move to zhou, freight yards open, let XingShu luca brasi moved here to live.

翻斗车它适用于工矿企业、煤田、窑厂、货场仓库装卸运输工具车。The tilting skip is widely used in mining industry, coal field, kiln factory, freight yard warehouse loading and unloading transportation tool valve.

这里的一切都超出了她的想象力,无论是巨大的铁路货场,还是河面上挤成一排的船只,还有河岸边各种大型的工厂都是如此。It was so with the vast railroad yards, with the crowded array of vessels she saw at the river, and the huge factories over the way, lining the water's edge.

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经过几代考古工作者的努力,原作坊区、生活区、码头区、墓葬区、市场区、货场区及墓葬情况现已基本探明。After generations' hard work of archaeologists, the original workshop, living, dock, burial, market, freight yard areas and burial situations have now been basically probed.

另外铁精粉业务是公司的另一项重要业务,已在唐山设立分公司,拥有自己的货场,货源充足,销售渠道广阔。Iron refined powder is another important business for our company. We have set up the branch company in Tangshan city, where we have own big goods yard and distribution channels.

是西南地区最具规模的钢材产品销售企业之一,本公司拥有自己的货场并配备了龙门吊,极大的方便了装卸。Southwestern region are the largest steel product sales company, the Company has its own freight yard and is equipped with a gantry, greatly facilitates the loading and unloading.