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他说,那些犯了罪的人,应该被绳之以法。He said the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

他的目的就是要把杀害的他儿子的罪犯绳之以法。His aim was to bring the criminal who killed his son to justice.

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必须将参与、宽恕或协助这种行为的人绳之以法。People who perpetrate, condone or facilitate it must be brought to justice.

他们通过这种方法将很多犯罪分子绳之以法,也让很多无辜的人免受不白之冤。They´ve put murderers in jail that way. They´ve also freed innocent people.

十月份一个寒冷的夜晚,警察逮捕了几名醉汉,把他们绳之以法。On a cold October night, police arrest the inebriated and take them to jail.

彻底击垮拥护卡扎菲的人并把他们绳之以法尚需时日。It could take time for pro-Qaddafi people to be fully defeated and rounded up.

要求政府有关部门彻查此事,并将犯案者绳之以法。To demand thorough investigation by relevant departments to arrest the culprit.

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这个卑鄙的阴谋败露了,一定要把两个阴谋策划者绳之以法。This base design is revealed, and two of its plotters must be brought to justice.

逃窜的是他们,而我们将把他们一网打尽并绳之以法。They are the ones who are running. And we will catch them all and bring them to justice.

一只老鸭。即使坏蛋不能被绳之以法,坚持下去。A duck. If varmint cannot be restrained with tongs and corn-on-the-cob holders, stand on it.

还没有一名苏丹高级官员因这些大规模的罪行被绳之以法。To date, no senior officials have been brought to justice in Sudan for these massive crimes.

这是我们决心追捕恐怖主义分子并将他们绳之以法的有力证据。It was strong evidence of our determination to track down terrorists and bring them to justice.

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苏丹现任总统真能因其在达尔富尔的罪行被绳之以法吗?Can Sudan's serving head of state really be brought to justice for his alleged crimes in Darfur?

布拉基斯在这场悲剧中罪孽深重,新共和国把多尔夫绳之以法,布拉基斯逃之夭夭。Consumed by guilt over the tragedy, Brakiss fled while the New Republic brought Dolph to justice.

成为代理赤狐和智取坏人利用出奇不意将他们绳之以法。Become Agent Red Fox and outsmart the bad guys using the element of surprise to bring them to justice.

拉姆德夫说,现在是把一些“黑钱”要回来、把那些犯罪者绳之以法的时候了。Ramdev says it is time to get some of that "black money" back, and bring those responsible to justice.

法院没有时间将成千上万的一般网络盗版者绳之以法。Courts do not have time to haul in the millions of ordinary users who pilfer copyright material online.

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因为缺乏法律依据,所以这些人是被谋杀的,但没有人因此被绳之以法。As there was no legal justification, these people were murdered. But no one has been brought to justice.

当地政府很有信心将暴乱的幕后主使绳之以法,并予以法律的严惩。Local police say they are confident they'll arrest those behind the riots, and will severely punish them.

巴政府下决心尽快缉拿罪犯,并将其绳之以法。The Pakistani government is determined to seize the criminals as soon as possible and bring them to justice.