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被拥簇在一望无际的花海里。Is crowded around in a sea of flowers.

同时,苹果的iOS系统的拥簇者将会从09年的2500万上升到2012年的6200万。Meanwhile, iOS usage will amount to 62 million in 2012, up from 25 million in 2009.

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最近发现的这块彩画玻璃碎片上的脸蛋很漂亮,头上拥簇着浓密弯曲的金色头发。The face on the newly-found glass shards is beautiful and crowned by wavy, golden hair.

当小本进球后,我还看到了所有球员一起拥簇的温馨场面,就好像每个人都是朋友那样。And there was a cosy love-in with all the players when he scored so everyone's friends again.

几乎就在同时,阿基诺夫人在支持她的人民的拥簇下载一个离军事营利很近的社交俱乐部宣誓就任总统。Almost simultaneously Mrs. Aquino was sworn in by her civilian supporters at a social club near the military camp.

竞选委员会被公认为是穆塞韦尼的拥簇,同样对他惟命是从的还有警方、军方和司法部门。The Electoral Commission is widely viewed as subservient to Mr Museveni, along with the police, army and judiciary.

然而,精彩的舞蹈无法掩饰剧作所缺乏的大气,这可能是由于皇宫剧院的舞台对于这些舞者显得是过于拥簇。Even so, I felt the production lacked some grandeur, largely because the dancers seemed a bit cramped on the stage of the Palace Theatre.

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在哥伦比亚武装部队和警察指挥官的拥簇下,总统桑托斯请求哥伦比亚人提供实现和平进程的机会。Flanked by the commanders of the Colombian armed forces and the police, President Santos asked Colombians to give the peace process a chance.

这位南方王后在一大群随从女士、侍女、骑士的拥簇下,蜷在白鼬皮斗篷里,虚弱而苍白,冻得缩成一团。Huddled beneath her ermine mantle and surrounded by her ladies, serving girls, and knights, the southron queen seemed a frail, pale, shrunken thing.

时间不早了,我匆匆的赶上摄制队,到步后看见一大群人拥簇一起,我想他就是今天的主角了。It's not early anymore and I rush with the filming crew. When I arrive I see a crowd of people surrounding someone. I guess he must be the leading role of the day.

这款操控出众,性能可媲美超级跑车的高性能行政级轿车直到今天仍然拥有众多拥簇。This is held accuse conspicuous, the car of high-powered administration level that function can rival super racing bike still is had till today numerous have bunch.

还有,例如,那些里昂戏剧的拥簇者们总是说,我们的戏剧很好,而且,与汇集各路资源的巴黎戏剧截然不同And, people, for example, who follow the Lyon opera always say, "Well, our opera is fine but it's nothing, of course, like Paris,where all the resources are poured into Paris."