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第二组曲,作品23,“剪影”Suite No. 2, Op. 23, Silhouettes.

拍摄对象成了剪影。The subject becomes a silhouette.

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这是真正的爱情剪影。That is truly in love with trivia.

b小调为钢琴而作的第7剪影。Silhouette No. 7, for piano in B minor.

结果发现那是一个真人大小的保罗-麦卡尼剪影。It was a life-sized Paul McCartney cutout.

流星雨烟火,路灯柱剪影!Starfall fireworks, silhouettes of lampstandard!

一轮血色红日升起,远山成了剪影。A blood-red sun rose over the silhouettes of distant hills.

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使徒信经中包含有耶稣一生的剪影。The Apostles' Creed contains a short summary of Jesus' life.

廓形是一件衣服的外轮廓线或者剪影。The silhouette of a costume is its overall outline or contour.

杨军在金银岛示范拍摄剪影。Richard demonstrating how to take silhouette at Treasure Island.

一个面露笑容的爱因斯坦的纸板剪影和读者打招呼。A cardboard cutout of a cheerful Albert Einstein greets visitors.

她手机用的壁纸是伊拉克地图的剪影。Her cell-phone screen saver is a silhouette of the state of Iraq.

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在新墨西哥的圣菲,夕阳把一个带有带刺的马靴投射到人的剪影上。Sunset casts a spurred boot in silhouette in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

经典帆布鞋面为补充的风格上诉中旬剪影。Classic canvas upper in a mid-cut silhouette for added style appeal.

酷帆布鞋面在牛津大学一个永恒的投资剪影。Cool canvas upper in an oxford silhouette for a timeless investment.

她变成了一个半剪影,这样就表示了她的形态竟是如此的美丽。She becomes a semi-silhouette, and this shows her form so beautifully.

大门边上有一块铭牌,上面绘有马克思狮子般头像的剪影。Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx’s leonine head in profile.

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真皮与剪影细节上多增加的上诉鞋面。Genuine leather upper with cutout detail at the vamp for much added appeal.

剪影摄影是非常大胆和惊人的艺术形式的例子。Silhouette photography is extremely bold and striking example of the art-form.

只要光线不太强烈,黄觉棱角清晰的脸会特别有剪影效果。As long as the light not strong, Huang angular face will be clear-cut results have.