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这家公司可能要停业南迁。This company will probably pack up and move south.

岭南客家先民首次南迁地在偃师。Lingnan hakka ancient immigrated to the first in some.

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赣南是“客家先民”南迁的第一站。Gannan was the first station in the south for the "Early Hakka Settlers".

政权易帜,外婆为了等我而失去了南迁的机会。After the regime was changed, she lost the chance to move south in order to wait for me.

预计随着种群数量的递增,一旦出现急剧降温等情况它们就可能大举南迁。It is expected that they will migrate southwards at the first sign of a steep temperature drop.

主要分布于西江流域的青铜器墓葬应是岭北越人南迁后的产物。The tombs , located along Xijiang River should be left by the Yue people who moved to the south.

政权易帜,外婆为了等我而失去了南迁的机会。When the power shifted, grandmother lost the chance to move to the south because of waiting for me.

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公元5世纪初,乌孙又举族南迁至葱岭中,不久其国即告消失。At the early 5th century, the Wusun whole moved southward into the Cong Ling Ridges and disappeared soon.

公元317年,晋王朝被迫逃出洛阳,南迁重建了都城-南京。In A. D. 317 the Jin court was forced to flee from Luoyang and reestablished itself at Nanjing to the south.

辉发部以及整个海西女真的南迁是有着深刻的历史背景的。The southward migration of Huifa Department and the whole Hercynian Nuzhen is a profound historical background.

会稽孔氏是六朝时期江东著名的世家大族,自东汉末南迁会稽山阴以来,历六朝传承不绝。Kong family of Shanyin of KuaiJi is a flourish aristocratic family through generations during the Six Dynasties.

随着宋室的南迁,成千上万的北方移民纷纷来到了这个新的都城。With the migration of the Song Dynasty, a large quantity of north migration progressively came to this new capital.

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本区同生断裂的发育,与沉积中心逐渐南迁密切相关。It is expounded that the development of growth faults is closely relative to south migrating of depositional center.

第二章主要论述了南迁士族南渡江左后在新的环境中形成的士风和学风。Chapter II mainly discusses the south- migrated eupatrid newly-growing morale and style of study after crossing the River.

俄罗斯族,是从18世纪后逐渐从沙皇俄国南迁到中国新疆等地的少数民族。Russian, fromthe18th century gradually moved south from czarist Russia to the Chinese ethnic minorities in Xinjiang and other places.

客家文化是由中原南迁的汉民族所带的中原文化与土著文化相互交融而产生的。Hakka culture was formed during their migration southward from central China plain area and gradually blending with aboriginal culture.

他解释称其中一支是在上一次冰河时代被迫南迁至现在的美国并存活下来的。He explained that one represents a lineage that was pushed south during the last glaciations and survived in what is now the United States.

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我国古代的国家都城在黄河中游反复迁移,以至最后东迁南迁。The ancient capital site of China removed constantly in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and at last moved eastwards and southwards.

1969年大连医学院举校南迁贵州省遵义市,建立遵义医学院。Dalian Medical College in 1969 cited the school across the border in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, the establishment of Zunyi Medical College.

两晋南北朝时,由于北方人口再次大量南迁,又促进了这里的生产发展。Two Jin tale delayed when there a large number of northern populations move south again, but also promoted the development of production here.