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我们当天真的一拍即合。We really hit it off that day.

双方一拍即合,欣然同意了。Both sides hit it off and agreed.

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和未来同事是一拍即合还是会产生抵触?Do You Click or Clash With Future Coworkers?

而一旦他出现,你们就一拍即合。And if one does, he'll have to fit in with you.

我们一拍即合,立刻决定一同搭车去樟木。We hit it off, immediately decided to take a ride to camphor.

王先生的想法并没有与他的属下一拍即合。Mr Wang's views did not strike an instant chord with his subordinates.

不知道他会不会对俄罗斯吃沙的女人感兴趣,我敢打赌,他们肯定一拍即合。I wonder if he’d be interested in meeting Russia’s sand-eating woman, I bet they’d hit it off.

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亚磊替她安排将村屋租出,结果一名租客前来,一拍即合。The lei arrangement will be for her village house rent out, the results of a tenant, hit it off.

德国伸过来的求援之手,与华尔街的金色魔杖正好一拍即合。Germany stretching from the hands for help, and Wall Street's golden wand just hit it off instantly.

“阿拉伯人和穆斯林都没有地位,没有尊严”,根据兄弟会的历史文件记载,工人无产阶级与进步知识分子一拍即合,他们有着共同的抱怨和理想。"Arabs and Muslims have no status and no dignity, " they complained, according to the brotherhood's official history.

而地方政府和汽车企业则大举鼓励资金扩大产能,二者一拍即合。And the local government and automobile enterprises are aggressively expanding capacity, encourage capital hit it off.

开始的时候可能会有些紧张,但是一旦知道面试官还是不错的之后,便能一拍即合。Going in, you might be nervous, but once you get to know your interviewer a little better, you're able to really hit it off.

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于是双方一拍即合。随着现金短缺进一步加重,企业开始支付两到三位数的年化利率,以求获得短期无抵押贷款。A match was thus made in heaven. As the cash crunch grew more severe, firms began to pay double or triple digit annualized rates for short-term, uncollateralized loans.

对一直寻求电视内容资源的新浪网而言,“欧洲杯转播权”是一个无法拒绝的诱惑,二者几乎一拍即合。To seeking the sina net of TV content resource all the time character, "European cup hookup counterpoises " it is a temptation that cannot refuse, both almost chime in easily.

它们大概公元前300年被带到希腊,再由希腊人介绍给罗马人,它们凶猛的性格和无穷的力量与罗马人一拍即合,被作为角斗场中的守护犬战斗。The Greeks then introduced the dogs to the Romans who prized the breed for its ferocious strength and used Neapolitan Mastiffs as guard dogs and fighters in their gladiator rings.

此外,假如在酒精的作用下,具有这种“偷情基因”的男女更轻易“一拍即合”做出劈腿的行为。They say that when a man or woman with the 'love rat gene' has an affair, they receive the same chemical rush as a gambler whose luck has changed or an alcoholic savouring a drink.

我们暂且不论三明治的卡路里含量是否真的更高,但鸡肉被视为一种比汉堡更健康的选择,而这也让备受欢迎的鸡肉与快速休闲趋势一拍即合。Chicken is seen as a healthier option than burgers, whether or not the sandwiches actually have a higher calorie count, helping the trendy fowl to fit in with the fast-casual trend.

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对于热衷于造星的娱乐力量和对新鲜事物蠢蠢欲动的知名运动员来说,接洽一些无伤大雅的广告等商业活动不过是一拍即合的事。For keen on making stars of the entertainment power and is ready for something new to the well-known athletes, some of the contact innocuous advertising business is just hit it off.

如果看了摘要之后发现跟你的兴趣一拍即合,那么简略看一下里面的各个标题,这样对整篇文章的内容就有了个大概的认识。If you have read the abstract and it has piqued your interest, then go ahead and briefly look at the various headings. The point is to perform a moderate overview of the entire paper.

抱着各自奇怪的目标,两人迅速在婚恋网茫茫资料中锁定对方,并在初次约会后一拍即合,谁知这对“璧人”真正相处起来后却是事故不断。Holding their odd goal, two people quickly locked each other in the marriage network information, and click on the first date, who knows this "person" is to really get up after accidents.