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它有惊人的双层梯形建筑。It has an incredible double terrace.

这个声明我们经常用梯形来围绕。OK? Wow. And notice what I got here.

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我们可以看到两个梯形排气管以及。We can see two trapezoidal tailpipes as well.

该矿用车辆采用六杆转向梯形结构。This off-highway truck adopt 6 rod steering system.

双梯形的试样将产生切变脱胶现象。A double trapezoidal specimen will generate shear debonding.

梯形成形算法具备一定的低通滤波能力,梯形上升沿越宽滤波效果越好。Low-pass filtering ability is better when the rising edge is wider.

不旋转的阀杆具有精密的梯形螺纹和抛光光洁度。Non-rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish.

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电力电子主电路与电机的仿真模型均基于梯形积分法。The method of simulation uses the trapezoidal rule and nodal method.

几种类型的梯形杰克可以安装在一个接线板。Several types of keystone jack can be mounted on a single patch panel.

黑色梯形是在剪彩悬垂和服务丝带的顶部。A black trapezium is at the top of the ribbon drape and service ribbon.

例如,锥螺纹、梯形螺纹、三角螺纹等。For instance, awl thread, ladder-shaped thread and triangle thread etc.

给出了设计方案和PLC程序梯形图。The design project and the PLC program flow chart waere also presented.

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今天大学的教授问全班同学梯形是什么玩意。Today, my college professor asked my entire class what a trapezoid was.

疣猪呈梯形的头盖骨看上去仿佛就是从毕加索的名画“格尔尼卡”中走出来的怪物。The warthog's trapezoidal skull is straight out of Picasso's "Guernica."

一般窗户都是长方形的,这扇窗户是梯形的。A common window is typically rectangular, but this window is trapezoidal.

每个建筑呈梯形,其长边为拱形。Each building is trapezoid in shape, the longer sides of which are arched.

给出了模糊控制算法的程序框图和部分梯形图。Program frame of fuzzy control rule and some application program are given.

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图2.6的梯形逻辑程序相当于助记符程序。The ladder logic program in Figure 2.6, is equivalent to the mnemonic program.

提出了梯形小波函数和小波变换。In this paper, trapezoid wavelet function and trapezoid transform is presented.

这是我编的一个利用梯形法数值计算积分的程序。This is for my use of a trapezoidal method of numerical integration procedures.