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他们还学习珠算。They also learned to use the abacus.

珠算在我国有着悠久的历史。At Abacus our country has a long history.

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都准备好了,现在可以开始珠算比赛。Yes, we can start the abacus competition.

学习珠算使我的儿子对数学更感兴趣。Learning abacus made my son more interested in math.

我通过了珠算和速记的商业技能考试。I've passed the tests of business skills for abacus and shorthand.

珠算为学习抽象概念提供了具体经验。An abacus provides concrete experiences for learning abstract concepts.

现在,文化部希望珠算能够在国际上同样得到认可。Now the Ministry of Culture are hoping the abacus will be recognised on an international stage.

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本剧以诙谐玩笑方式介绍珠算心算应用三阶段。The skit demonstrates the three stages of abacus usage and teaches about changes in the history of computing.

当学生们掌握了规则,我们将进行更先进的珠算问题以及心算。After the students have mastered the rules, we will proceed to more advanced abacus problems as well as mental math.

掌握好珠算这种便捷的运算方法,对培养思维和提高运算能力大有好处。To master convenient calculus method of abacus has great advantages on cultivating thought and improving calculus ability.

南通珠算博物馆主体结构采用混凝土结构,屋盖及玻璃幕墙支承体系采用钢结构。The main building of Nantong Zhusuan Museum is made of concrete structure, the roof and curtain wall made of steel structures.

计算技术作为财经院校的基础课程,越来越受到重视,所以,提高珠算教学水平非常重要。Calculating skill is the basis course in the Finance and Economics Academy, so it's very important to improve the level of teaching.

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珠算和珠算式心算计算的高速性,使儿童思维经常得到快速的锻炼,是提高思维敏捷性品质的有效途径。The high speed of Abacus Arithmetic and the Mental Arithmetic in the Way of Abacus gives children a good chance to be quick in the uptake.

在当今电子时代,如何让学生掌握作为我国的传统瑰宝之一的珠算技术,有着非常重要的意义。In this e-times, it is of much importance to show students the access to mastering the skill of calculation with an abacus-one of our traditional treasures.

高等职业技术教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,在华夏大地迅猛发展。珠算教育在高职教育中至关重要。As a major part of higher education, higher vocational education has got a rapid progress in our country, and abacus education is vitally important in higher vocational education.

这里汇集了七条有关珠算的信息,从不同时期多角度地说明珠算的意义、作用和研究情况。Seven pieces of information about Abacus combine here , which explains the significance , functions and research state about Abacus from different periods and multi -perspectives.

珠算教育回暖的原因在于,日本许多家长认为孩子学习珠算,既能提高注意力,又能锻炼计算能力,进而提高考试成绩。Many parents reassessed the value of the abacus because they believe it can improve children's concentration power and calculating ability, thus improving their academic performance.

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珠算是我国劳动人民几千年来继承下来的文化遗产,它的应用从经济领域发展到其它领域。Bascuscalculating is the traditional cultural wealth invented by the Chinese working people and has existed for thousands of yea rs. It has extended from economic field into other fields.

明代数学有其特殊性,算盘的发明和珠算的发展是中算的一场革命。Mathematlcs of the Ming Dynasty has its specific characteristics. The invention of abacus and the development of calculation with abacus cause a revolution in Chinese arithmetical history.

从今年开始,我们将会有一个先进班,学生们将继续学一些更难的珠算和心算问题,同时也会开始学些减法。Starting this year, there will be a separate advanced class for the students who wish to continue and perform harder abacus and mental math problems as well as learn division on the abacus.