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他们把水牛视为神圣。They hallow the buffalo.

加个词,水牛呢?To add the word buffalo?

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水牛和母牛都不见了踪影。Buffalos and cows are gone.

其他的一些是老虎和水牛。Others are tigers and buffalos.

你知道纽约州的水牛城吗?Have you heard of Buffalo, New York?

一群水牛是遗产的一部分。A herd of buffaloes was a part of it.

我们明天必须去水牛城。we have got to go to buffalo tomorrow.

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独木舟,羽饰,水牛和牛仔。Canoe, war bonnet, buffalos, and cowboy.

水牛也是一种役畜。Water buffaloes are also beasts of burden.

水牛比黄牛好,力气大,还会游泳。Water buffaloes are stronger, and can swim.

意大利番茄沙拉,加点水牛芝士。Caprese salad, a little mozzarella di buffalo.

“我们工作赚取到的!”水牛们齐声回答。We earned it! The buffalos answered in unison.

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凯蒂,你这只羔羊吓唬起人来倒像只水牛哩!Cathy, this lamb of yours threatens like a bull!

它是水牛在寒冬中呼出的一口白气。It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.

这些动物是野牛,或者叫美洲水牛。These animals were bison, or American buffaloes.

肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击一只水牛。Lions attack a buffalo on the Masai Mara in Kenya

水牛以前常常自由自在地在科罗拉多平原上漫步。Buffalos used to roam freely on the Colorado Plains.

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从跺脚的水牛那里,还从哪里!From a pack of stampeding buffalo, that's from what!

世界范围内发生于牛,水牛,鹿和野牛。Occurs worldwide in cattle, buffalo, deer and bison.

当你将一只奶牛和一只非洲水牛杂交时你得到了什么?What do you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo?