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行路多者见识多。On seeing much more.

行路人,你必须走吗?Traveller, must you go?

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你们是道路,也是行路者。You are the way and the wayfarers.

你们是道路,也是行路者。Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?

行路有良伴就是捷径。Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

行路过程中总会不断地捡到和丢掉一些东西。We always pick up sth and throw away sth on our way.

行路难,难于山,险于水。It is difficult to walk, difficult mountain, risks in water.

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江河到海有穷日,轮蹄行路无已时。Rivers to the sea finite date, no road wheel is when the hoof.

行路人很生气。The traveller was very angry,"This man must be mad,"he thought.

行路人,我们没有希看留住你,我们只有眼泪。Traveller, we are helpless to keep you. We have only our tears.

公元2007年,雨后的大明宫遗址区,行路艰难。In AD 2007, rough roads at Daming Palace Relics Site after raining.

是宙斯的传旨者和信使,也被视为行路者的保护神,又是商人的庇护神。He is the messenger of the god, also the god of travelers and merchants.

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在这个场景中,把一个并行路由任务分配给一个用户组。In this scenario, a parallel routing task is assigned to a group of users.

永远的行路人,你可以在我的歌声中寻找到自己的足迹。Thou will find, eternal traveller, marks of thy footsteps across my songs.

骑白驴的,坐绣花毯子的,行路的,你们都当传扬。Speak, ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk by the way.

行路的时候,到了以法莲山地,走到米迦的家。And as he journeyed, he came to the hill country of Ephraim to the house of Micah.

行路难,不在水,不在山,只在人情反复间。It is difficult to walk, not in the water, not only in the rugged mountain, between.

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扫罗行路,将到大马色,忽然从天上发光,四面照着他。As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.

于是他就背起这位瘸子朋友,这样他们就能安全又愉快地继续行路了。So he took his lame friend on his back, and they were able to travel safely and happily.

一周一次一小时的环行路训练课加上游泳或瑜伽来锻炼灵活性是理想的。A one-hour circuit training class once a week plus swimming or yoga for flexibility is ideal.