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他有弄虚作假的嫌疑。He is suspected of employing trickery.

雷曼兄弟的肖特说,一个关键的不利因素是弄虚作假。One key hazard, says Lehman's Schulte, is fraud.

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在上学时弄虚作假,你的收入就会受害。Cheat in your education, and your income suffers.

你需要热情地分享你所相信的,但不要弄虚作假。You need to passionately share what you believe in, but don't fake it.

生活中最使人筋疲力尽的事弄虚作假。----A。M。林德伯格。The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. ----A. M. Lindbergh.

对于历史,尤其是二战历史的弄虚作假行为是无法容忍的。One cannot tolerate historical falsifications, particularly of World War II.

对于学历,不应弄虚作假,因为虚假的学历贻害无穷。Academic credentials shouldn't be falsified because false credentials are dangerous.

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再没有比被人发现是弄虚作假与背信弃义更感羞耻的恶行了。There is no vice that does so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious.

你无法在不影响其它方面的情况下在生活的某个方面弄虚作假。You can’t cheat in one area of your life without suffering the consequences in ALL areas.

你是否曾经为了增加被雇佣的机会而在求职申请上弄虚作假呢?Have you ever fibbed on an employment application to increase your chances of being hired?

再没有比被人发现是弄虚作假与背信弃义更感羞耻的恶行了。There is no vice, that doth so cover a man with shame, as to be found false, and perfidious.

对弄虚作假的项目,国家农发办有权终止或收回该项目的贴息资金。NACDO has the right to end or recall the discount interest funds of the projects that employ trickery.

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官场中的弄虚作假和封建迷信,是“官本位”文化的表现。The practice of fraud and feudal superstition in officialdom is due to the culture of standard of official.

如有弄虚作假,违规享受经济适用房、廉租房的行为,请您及时举报。If there is fraud, illegal access to affordable housing, low-cost housing, please report in a timely manner.

商家出售商品时可能会弄虚作假,或无根据地声称其可以保健、美容,改善生活品质甚至发财致富。Merchants sell products that may make false or unfounded claims to improve health, beauty, lifestyle or wealth.

但是,当然有一些光明正大的中介机构和申请人,其他的招聘官都在弄虚作假时。But while there are certainly aboveboard agents and applications, other recruiters engage in fraudulent behavior.

企业应该制定非常明确的费用政策,这样弄虚作假的人就无法浑水摸鱼逍遥法外。You should have very clear expense policies, so fiddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating.

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但同时,彩票市场也存在着管理混乱、弄虚作假、使用不明等诸多问题。But at the same time, there are management confusion, deception, unknown use and many other issues in lottery market.

因为钟南山,我们可以放心地相信一些信息,质疑那些弄虚作假的行为。Because of Zhong Nashan, we can put a person's mind to believe a few news, oppugn the behavior of those practise fraud.

虽然有很多合法的网上广告业务,并在互联网上,弄虚作假,球队,其中还盛产欺骗性。Although there are many legitimate online ads and business on the internet, phony, hokey , and deceptive one also abound.