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你们学校是男女合校吗?。Is your school coed?

什么,不分男女?What,no male and female?

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但这与男女比例无关。But nothing on this scale.

昨晚我们参加两对男女的约会。We double-dated last night.

他们想要一所男女同校的大学!They want a coed university!

我要上男女同校的学校。I want to go to a coed school.

有些课程是男女同班的,And some of my classes are co-ed,

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独立的男女同校研究院Coed, independent graduate school

这是一所男女合校的学校。This is a boys and girls' school.

男女生分角色问答唱。Identify roles boys and girls sing.

她们和那两兄弟一起参加两对男女的出游。They double-dated the two brothers.

一对男女手挽着手走着。A man and woman are walking arm-in-arm.

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苹果皮分不出男女。Apple skin points out for men and women.

由教师与学生轮唱的形式来完成。男女分组唱。Ask the girls in the class sing it once.

男女应该享有平等权利。Man and woman should enjoy equal rights.

今天下午有一场男女混合双打比赛。There is a mixed doubles this afternoon.

男女搭配,干活不累。Men and women with the work and not tired.

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啊,他就是那个住在集市路的大裁缝,那个老是被一群时尚男女团团围住的人!ah, he was the big tailor on Market Road...

男女同校的现象在北美非常普遍。Coeducation is very common in North America.

每个年级的四个教室仍然保持男女同校。Four classrooms in each grade remained coed.