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织布机上梭子来回飞动。The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom.

话音刚落,梭子突然从她手中滑落,蹦跳着跑到门口。Just then the shuttle jumped from her hand and out the door.

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他把枪口对准他刚才见过的日本人的火力点,打了一梭子。He directed it to where he had seen the Japanese gunfire and loosed a volley.

梭子是从梭口的上下两层经纱之间穿过。The shuttle passes over the lowered ends of the shed and under the raised ends.

如果梭子飞行期间筘座停顿,这种效果便不复存在了。This effect would be absent if the sley dwelt during the period of shuttle flight.

当然,从我自己的切身体验,这是一个容易得多,相信梭子。Certainly, from my own personal experience, it is a lot easier to believe Barracuda.

用散弹枪砰砰地给他几梭子,把他打个血肉横飞,人肉碎片溅脏了墙壁统统是黄铜钮扣。Shoot him to bloody bits with a bang shotgun, bits man spattered walls all brass buttons.

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因此在布边附近,梭子和经纱之间会存在摩擦。Because of this, some friction will exist between the shuttle and the warp yarns near the selvages.

本文对武汉纺织器材厂生产的梭子底板弹簧早期失效的原因进行了全面的分析。This paper makes a detailed analysis on the causes of carly failure of the bed plate spring for the shuttle.

一种装置叫梭子携带纬纱穿过梭口形成纱线交织的布。A device called a shuttle carries the filling through the shed and so forms the crosswise yarns of the fabric.

电磁铁上缠绕着纤细的铜线圈,而且传动机构的第一个齿轮被钢梭子围绕着。The electromagnet has fine copper wire wound on it. and the first gear in the train is surrounded by steel fingers.

身后枪声又响了起来,只见孙亭瞄着这东西一口气打了一梭子弹。After death the gun voice rang to get up again, sees Sun Ting taking aim this thing to at a stretch beat one shuttle bullet.

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综片,综线,综丝织布机上一组平行的线或金属线,用于分开和引导纱线并为梭子。One of a set of parallel cords or wires in a loom used to separate and guide the warp threads and make a path for the shuttle.

塑料梭子的材料要有较高的抗冲击性能,优良的耐磨性,耐高温,具有足够的刚性。The materials for plastic shuttles should be good in resistance to shock, wear and high temperature and have necessary rigidity.

织丝锦缎,银锦缎和金锦缎是一个非常谨慎而且精确的加工过程,因为每个颜色的丝线需要其自己专用的梭子。Making silk, silver, and gold brocades is a very delicate and precise process, with each colour needing its own dedicated shuttle.

物理定律指出,要想使梭子穿过梭口,梭子必须被加速和减速,这当然需要时间和能量。Physical laws dictate that, to move through the shed, the shuttle must be accelerated and decelerated . This naturally takes time and energy.

两梭子霰弹射击得不准,霰弹都飞过去了,可是最后一次发射的霰弹落在一小群骠骑兵中间,掀倒了三个人。Two were badly aimed, and the shot flew over them, but the last volley fell in the middle of the group of hussars and knocked down three men.

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开口运动是将经纱分成上下两层形成梭口,使梭子从其间通过。The shedding motion separates the warp ends into an upper and a lower system of threads to permit the shuttle to pass through the space that has been formed.

因此片梭织机可以以高于常规有梭织机的速度运转,而且片梭的加速度要超过普通梭子的七倍。Thus these looms can be run faster than conventional shuttle looms. Also the acceleration of the projectile can exceed that of a shuttle by a factor of about7.

我来不及过去,抬手就是一梭子弹,顿时把干尸弹开,却不能把僵尸伤害半分,如今逃才是上策!I too late past, raising the hand is one shuttle bullet, immediately play stem corpse to open, but can not divide the Jiang corpse injury half, at present escape is best plan!