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那里的干旱正在耗尽财力物力。Thee drought there is stretching resources.

这显然是人浮于事、浪费物力以及效率低下。It's clear redundancy wastefulness and inefficiency.

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第二次世界大战耗尽了许多欧洲国家的财力物力。The Second World War bled white many countries in Europe.

不过自那以后汽车的物力安全性逐年增加。But since then cars have gotten physically safer every year.

品味虽贵,必不敢省物力。Savors although is expensive, must not dare to omit physical resource.

西方的投票者会同意在兴都库什山投入更多的人力物力吗?Will voters in the West agree to sink more blood and treasure in the Hindu Kush?

彻底筛查需要人力和物力资源的大量投资。Exhaustive screenings require a major investment in human and material resources.

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要筹办这样一个全球性的设计比赛,实在需要很多人力物力。To organise a global competition of such a scale involves considerable resources.

奥运会的举行需要大量的人力和物力。A vast number of costs of labours and resources are needed to hold the Olympic Games.

希望我国应加强人力和物力对纳米纤维及其应用进行开发研究。China should pay more attention to research and develop the applications of nanofiber.

人们寓居在大城市里而食物的运输得花费大量的人力和物力。People live in big cities and food has to be transported at great expense and endeavor.

这个城市,有一度曾握有全欧最强大的人力、物力和权势。The city, there was once Europe-wide hold the most powerful of human, material and power.

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只要“大师”提出意见,业主都不惜浪费财力、物力重新装修。Once the "master" comment, the owners are willing to waste money and resources re-decoration.

中国已经投入了很大的财力物力来保护大熊猫,它在民间象征着吉祥。China has poured considerable resources into protecting the giant panda, its unofficial mascot.

在实际生产中,气枪阵列的远场子波测量需要耗费人力、物力,费用较高。In practice, the measurement of air-gun array need much time, manpower, material resource, and.

巴芭缇的小学缺乏财力和物力来解决这种状况。Primary schools in Babati lack the financial and material capacity to deal with this situation.

同时为去除氧化脱碳层还要耗费人力、物力。Furthermore, it will cost too much labor and money to remove the oxidation -decarbonization-layer.

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我们花了大量的人力物力来饲养这只狗,我们要付给员工们很多工资。We have spent a lot of money raising this dog, and we have the salaries of plenty of staff to pay.

着重讨论了硫化体系对共混物力学性能的影响。Investigation was focused on the effect of curing system on the mechanical properties of the blend.

但充填环管试验要耗费较长的时间、大量的资金以及人力物力。But the filling paste round-pipe-test consumes a lot of time, money, manpower and material resources.