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他是他们家的顶梁柱。He was the breadwinner of his family.

他们是这个厂的顶梁柱。They are the backbone of the factory.

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那个全家人依靠的顶梁柱昨天死于一场交通事故。The man on whom the whole family rely died in a traffic accident yesterday.

不过,古怪宠物视频仍然很重要,而且仍将是YouTube的一根顶梁柱。But the wacky cat videos are still important, and will remain a staple of YouTube.

她是一位远近闻名,颇有影响的福音传道士,是教会的一根顶梁柱。She was one of the pillars of the church, a powerful evangelist and very widely known.

如果家里的顶梁柱在恐怖袭击中遇难,那么整个家庭将很难生活下去。The whole family suffers if the earning person is being killed in a terrorist incident.

而采取了完整车门设计的CRV却大放异彩,成为本田车系的一根顶梁柱。The more fully-doored CRV, on the other hand, became a huge hit and a staple of Honda's lineup.

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在接下来的10年里,CORONA成了美国获取苏联情报的顶梁柱。For the following decade, CORONA became the backbone of American intelligence on the Soviet Union.

在一次事故中,作为家中顶梁柱的父亲永远地离去了,他也因此失去了双手。He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's lifewho was the main source of support for the family.

从此海涛要成为这个家庭的顶梁柱,承担抚养两个妹妹的责任。From now on the pillar that Hai Tao wants to become this family, assume the responsibility that brings up two little sisters.

无论是做一顿饭还是过马路时牵着对方的手,或是遇到困难的时候成为一个顶梁柱。Whether it is making a meal, holding your partners hand when crossing the road or being a shoulder to cry on when something goes wrong.

火箭的顶梁柱姚明也被挡在外头,加内特见势单手抢板托球到外线。Yao Ming of the Rockets pillar has been blocked outside, see Garnett and powerful one-handed snatching up the ball to the plate outside.

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不过虽然现在女性可以成为养家糊口的顶梁柱,还是有三分之一的母亲感到很愧疚,因为要出去工作只能离开孩子。And while women are now able to be the family breadwinner, a third of mothers feel guilty about going out to work and leaving the children.

我们围着房子里的一根顶梁柱跳舞、唱歌,用了一千种不同方式所唱的似乎是同一首歌。We danced in a circle around the support pillar in the middle of the room and chanted a thousand varieties of what seemed to be the same song.

与当年卖出埃曼努-佩蒂和马克-奥维马斯时同样地大胆,教授同意出售自己的队长兼顶梁柱帕垂克-维埃拉。With the same boldness that once saw him transfer Emmanuel Petit and Marc Overmars, he agreed to sell Patrick Vieira, his captain and supposed mainstay.

随着时间的流逝,这种新文化能够而且应该成为一种新系统的顶梁柱,它将培育而不再浪费中国的创新潜力。Over time, this new culture could and should become the major pillar of a system that nurtures, rather than squanders, the innovative potential of China.

过去中国婚姻主要是由男方经济地位决定的,女人嫁过去之后,她的丈夫就成了顶梁柱,而她则负责生儿育女就好了。In the past, marriage in China was mainly an economic arrangement where women were dependent on husbands and relegated to the role of breeder and nurturer.

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移动设备令人吃惊的能力和云基础的海量存储是个性化计算机革命的三大顶梁柱之二。Amazingly capable mobile devices and oodles of cloud-based content are two of the three pillars on which the personalised computing revolution is being built.

国有林场林木资产和林地资产是场顶梁柱资金,目前,前者允以抵贷,后者不能连同抵贷,无形中诋毁林场的抵贷能量和融资水平。State-run woodland assets and forest assets are the main assets of a forest farm at present, the former is allowed to be pledged against energy financing level.

我看到,许多评论出于良好的愿望,希望中国站在世界舞台的中心,发挥顶梁柱的角色,帮助世界解决一些难题。A lot of commentators make the well-intended point that China should play a bigger. even a central role in helping the world resolve some of the thorniest issues.