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襁褓是什么?。What Is Swaddling?

师傅在襁褓中发现他。Shifu found him as a cub.

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当时中国的国内旅游仍处在襁褓之中。Domestic tourism was also in its infancy.

游艇业在中国仍然处于襁褓之中。Yachting in China is still in its infancy.

我在襁褓中,受了母亲的抚育和照顾。I was nursed in swaddling clothes, and with great cares.

他随后宣布,自己尚在襁褓之中的儿子继位成为威尔士的新国王。Edward I declared his infant son to be the new king of Wales.

老天保佑,我们的总司令仍在襁褓当中。Gods be good, our Lord Commander's still in swaddling clothes.

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一层层同心的虚无是我心的襁褓,裹着一口永不敲响的钟。Concentric nothingnesses swaddle my heart, a bell that never rings.

可能我是襁褓中发现的婴儿的后裔呢。Maybe I was the descendant of a baby who was found wrapped in vines.

那护士从床上抱起我那襁褓中的女儿,离开了房间。The nurse picked up my baby girl from the hammock and left the room.

从襁褓中一路风风雨雨的走到现在,他已经足够的强大。Swaddle, all the ups and downs come from now, he has enough powerful.

你要去寻找一个包在襁褓里,躺在马槽内的婴儿。Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.

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婴儿常常可以从襁褓、周围声音和运动中得到安抚。Infants are often comforted by swaddling , ambient noise, and movement.

政府应当让市民走出襁褓。The government, it said, should free citizens from their “swaddling clothes”.

一位母亲怀里抱着一对尚在襁褓中的龙凤双胞胎。A mother holding a pair of arms is still in its infancy in the Longfeng twins.

她父亲曾是海军陆战队队长,在那次袭击中失去生命,而她当时还在襁褓之中。She had been a baby when the terrorists had killed her father, a Marine captain.

您可能会发现如果你襁褓您的宝宝,他或她每晚都可以高枕无忧。You might find that if you swaddle your baby he or she will sleep better at night.

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先尝试拥抱,用襁褓包住,来回摇晃或者唱歌来哄你的宝宝入睡。Try cuddling, swaddling, rocking, and singing to your baby to lull him to sleep first.

像所有的绝地明日之星一样,奥拉在襁褓期就被发现拥有原力天赋。As with all Jedi hopefuls, Aurra's Force-potential was discovered when she was an infant.

她说据称我们的一辈祖先在暴风雨后发现了一个襁褓中的婴儿。One set of our ancestors allegedly found a baby wrapped in vines after a storm, she said.