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道说农会原谅彭,但是不会原谅她。Tao says, but won't forgive peng cdfis forgive her.

你以为阿伽门农会在乎他兄弟的婚姻?。Do you think Agamemnon cares about his brother's marriage?

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对于这一点,绅富方面也同情于农会。On this point, even the well-to-do approve of the peasant associations.

必须不准人恶意地批评农会。It was necessary to forbid malicious criticism of the peasant associations.

市场经济的发展对重建中国农会提出了新的时代要求。Reconstructing China peasant association is the need of market-oriented economy.

什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry.

建设农民武装另有一个新的方面,即农会的梭镖队。A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations.

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没有农会以前,乡村的道路非常之坏。Before there were peasant associations the roads in the countryside were terrible.

农会、社区、植物园、观光景点、民宿都非常适用。It is suitable to use at village meets, communities, plant parks, scenic spots and local residences.

农会权力无上,不许地主说话,把地主的威风扫光。Supreme in authority, the peasant association allows the landlord no say and sweeps away his prestige.

地主为免祸计,自动地捐款给农会的,亦颇不少。To avoid trouble, quite a number of landlords make voluntary contributions to the peasant associations.

目前在我国重建农会有其现实需求性和可行性。At present, it is necessary and practicable to reconstructing peasants' association in China at present.

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有了农会,可以不客气地发命令强迫地主修塘坝了。Now that there are peasant associations, the landlords can be bluntly ordered to repair the embankments.

贫农,因为最革命,所以他们取得了农会的领导权。The poor peasants, being the most revolutionary group, have gained the leadership of the peasant associations.

不过,由于农民并未在农会中取得主体性地位,在相当程度上制约了农会的运作绩效。But because the peasantry did not take first station, the organization's function was restricted in some extent.

在农会委员会中,在政府中,必须吸收中农积极分子参加工作。The active middle peasants must be drawn into the work of the peasant association committees and the government.

但建国后由于种种原因,农会在土改完成后便悄然的退出历史舞台。But after 1949 due to various reasons, Peasant association withdraws from the stage of history, after the land reform.

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国民党在南京建立政权后,在农村大力推动农会之建立。After Nanjing People′s Government was established, Guomindang strongly pushed the farmers′ association to increase in country.

农会争取中农入会,向他们多作解释工作,是完全必要的。It is essential for the peasant associations to get the middle peasants to join and to do a good deal more explanatory work among them.

一直到第二时期,农会势力大盛,中农方加入农会。It was not until the second period, when the peasant associations were already exercising great power, that the middle peasants came in.