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以上结果表明,此TAC文库适合用于稻瘟菌基因组的分析。It is suggested that the TAC library is suitable for genome analysis of M. grisea.

内切葡聚糖酶基因的克隆采取基因文库方法。Genome library methodology was adopted for cloning of endoglucanase encoding genes.

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利用这座桥,他可以从文库中挑出一段已知基因,来构建镜像蛋白工具。With it, he’d be able to pick a known gene from a library and build mirror protein tools.

结论所构建的噬菌体展示文库的库容和多样性符合筛选的要求。Conclusion The capacity and diversity of the constructed library are enough for screening.

概述了我国元数据的研究现状,特别是在学位论文库中的应用现状。The status quo on metadata research and dissertations digital library in China is reviewed.

2009年,百度文库正式上线,网民可以从上面免费阅读、分享或下载图书。Baidu Wenku was launched in 2009 and allows users to read, share or download books for free.

SAP文库全面搜集了关于SAP产品的相关信息。The SAP Library is a comprehensive collection of information about the relevant SAP products.

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此书在日本现在只有尊经阁文库藏的一个残抄本。This book is now only statue in Japan by the Court for possession of a residual copy library.

经过文库检验,以邻苯二酚为显色指示剂从文库中筛选到阳性转化子。After gene library tested, we screened positive transformants using catechol as color indicator.

基因组文库是进行分子克隆和基因组结构与功能研究的基础。The construction of a genomic library is essential to research on genome structure and function.

目的构建菌丝相白假丝酵母菌长片段基因表达系列分析文库并探讨其基因表达特点。Objective To observe the characteristics of gene expression in the hyphal cells of Candida albicans.

本发明涉及包含抗体替代轻链序列的构建体和文库。The invention concerns constructs and libraries comprising antibody surrogate light chain sequences.

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这个计划也为植物育种工作者提供信息系统的经费以便来搜寻全世界的基因文库。The project will also finance an information system for plant breeders to search gene banks worldwide.

建立了筛选质粒表达文库和克隆免疫原基因的技术方法。We established the techniques of screening the plasmid expression library and cloning the immunogen genes.

方法通过建立紫色非硫细菌GP7的基因文库,用酯酶快速筛选方法获取甲氰菊酯降解基因。GP7 and them screen the esterase gene with fenpropathrin degradation activity by the quick screening method.

噬菌体随机展示肽库是一类利用丝状噬菌体发展起来的多肽文库。Phage display random peptide library is a kind of polypeptide library developed by filamentous bacteriophages.

他还构建了一个拥有正确结合构象的突变核糖体文库。And he has a library of mutant ribosomes that have the right kind of sockets—they’ll accept mirror amino acids.

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方法以R1JHL单克隆抗体作为筛选分子,生物淘洗噬菌体展示随机12肽文库。Methods R1JHLmcAb was used as target to screen the binding peptide from a 12-mer Ph. D. random peptide library.

事实上,雍正帝和乾隆帝都曾收集过大量的书籍并据此修建文库,以方便文人学者们。In fact the Yongzhen and Qianlong Emperor built massive library collections of histories for scholars to access.

第四部分以第三部分调查结果为基础,对“丁氏文库”之藏书特色及文献价值进行分析。The fourth chapter analyses the report and make an evaluation on the value of the Ding Library book Collections.