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那么,希望没有波澜壮阔石破天惊。Well, I hope no great billows and shock.

在波澜壮阔中,淡定、温和的心。In the magnificent, the very calm, gentle heart.

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在波澜壮阔的中国南海之端,一轮红日正在冉冉升起。In the edge of the vast South China Sea, a red sun is rising.

我国正处于一场波澜壮阔、快速激变的社会转型期。Our country is in a massive, fast and violent social transformation period.

本书展现了千年后的一场波澜壮阔的人类星际史诗!After this book has unfolded a millennium mammoth human interspace epic poem!

1840年鸦片战争以来,中国正经历着波澜壮阔的社会大转型。Since the Opium War in 1840, China is experiencing the magnificent society transformation.

于是乎,第一次示威并非波澜壮阔,但却有著良好的组织性。The first demonstrations were, accordingly, not spectacular, but they were well organized.

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辛亥革命以后,中国经历了波澜壮阔的革命场景。After the Revolution of 1911, China went through the vicissitudes of revolutionary turmoils.

是呀,我们既然不能使自己的人生波澜壮阔,那我们就做一个平凡的人吧,平平淡淡才是真!Yes, since we can not make your life magnificent, then we do an ordinary folks, nothing exciting is true!

以表面平静内心却波澜壮阔的心情看完了这部电影,坦白地说,它的确是一部打动人的电影。I finished the movie with a calm look but a surge heart inside. Frankly, it is a sooooooooooooo moving indeed.

本剧浓墨重彩展示农民起义波澜壮阔的历史,尽显农民起义英雄本色。This maxi-series reveals a constellation of heroes emerging in the history of peasant uprising in vivid details.

在波澜壮阔的市场经济大海中,必将“乘风破浪,昂首远航”!In the mammoth market economy sea, will certainly "to receive the wind-broken wave, holds up the head to voyage"!

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很久不见,但经常收到他的邮件,还是那样心平气和地说着他现在的生活和工作,而我却看到了他的波澜壮阔。Long time no see, but often receives his mail, or as he calmly spoke the life and work, and I saw his magnificent.

好吧也许女人没有失败得如此波澜壮阔仅仅是因为她们没那个地位和机会去这么做。Maybe women haven’t failed quite so spectacularly simply because they have been largely denied the opportunity to do so.

其历史和地理背景波澜壮阔,而细节亦丰富多彩,这部小说同时也是一封给索埃弗的祖国埃及的情书。Epic in its historical and geographical range yet rich in detail, the novel is also a love letter to Soueif's native Egypt.

百年的非洲艺术中国传播史折射出了近现代中国所走过的波澜壮阔的历程。The one hundred year history of African art dissemination in China reflects the broad panorama of modern China has created.

在现实的婚恋中,真实的生活远没有影视或文学作品中来得波澜壮阔,活色生香。In reality in the marriage miscalculates, real life is far from film and television or literary works come magnificent, live scene.

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亚洲大地上正涌现着一股股波澜壮阔的的都市化大潮,这里的超级大城市每年都能“吞”下数百万的新居民。Urbanization on an extraordinary scale is happening in Asia, whose megalopolises are absorbing millions of new residents every year.

四川保路运动是武昌起义和辛亥革命的导火索,率先开启了近现代中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷。Protection Movement in Sichuan is the Wuchang Uprising and the fuse of revolution, opened the first modern Chinese history magnificent.

“无边落木潇潇下,不尽长江滚滚来”,同学们波澜壮阔的生活让强者更强,让弱者走开。"Boundless Lamu Xiaoxiao, the endless rolling in the Yangtze River to" the students a more magnificent life so strong, let the weak go away.