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你看上去心虚喜悦。You look guilty.

噢,喜悦。嗨!喜悦!O joy, hey-ho! Joy!

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买下来,享受上身的喜悦吧。Buy them and enjoy them.

她的眼睛流露出喜悦之情。Her eye beamed with joy.

喜悦在悲伤中浮现。Out of sorrow comes joy.

萧妃很是喜悦。XiaoFei is very pleased.

惊异和喜悦交织在一起。Joy mingled with surprise.

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让我们彼此关怀、共享喜悦。Let us share in joy &care.

她内心充满了喜悦。Her heart bounded with joy.

如此喜悦的面容。No countenances so beloved.

在人所不知的诸般喜悦的爱之中。In the love of joys unknown.

让一个孩子的心充满喜悦。Gladden the heart of a child.

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本人轻哼这喜悦的诗。I croon this poem in delight.

使山谷上下为之喜悦?Making all the vales rejoice?

喜悦从无所得而来。Joy comes from non-attachment.

使山谷上下为之喜悦?。Making gall the vales rejoice?

她居然来就他,多大的喜悦啊!She had come to him, what joy!

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她心里充满了喜悦。Her heart welled over with joy.

他心里充满着喜悦。His heart welled over with joy.

你就是和平、喜悦和光明。You are peaceand joy and light.