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她把自己搞得身败名裂。She was shipwrecked by herself.

我现在可以品尝他身败名裂的眼泪了!I can taste the tears of his defeat now!

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这桩丑闻最终使他身败名裂。The scandal finally led to his downfall.

当然,最终的结果就是身败名裂。Of course, they will be broken in the end.

他幸灾乐祸地看著他的对手身败名裂。He was gloating over the ruin of his rival.

他的身败名裂是由赌博和酗酒造成的。His downfall was caused by gambling and drink.

当银行破产时,许多人跟着身败名裂。When the bank broke , many people were ruined.

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他的背叛行径使他身败名裂。His treacherous actions brought down ruin on himself.

林嘉祥随后被开除,身败名裂。Lin was subsequently fired, his reputation left in tatters

为罗马尼亚如此身败名裂的角色感到骄傲。I'm proud of Romania for producing such an infamous character.

我起先劝玛丽说,她只有运用自己的理智才能免于身败名裂。I had been of opinion from the first that mary could only be withheld from ruin by her mind.

在那个还尚未开化的年代,一个女孩身败名裂是何其可怕的事情。Still uncivilized time is returned in that, be utterly discredited of a girl is how dread affection.

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但是启源为了令以铿身败名裂,便决定违背承诺不将光碟交还以铿。But rev source in order to make his downfall, decided against promised not to return CD with his vision.

真要是大难临头,给我什么都不要,我只要一个好水兵,哪怕是一个身败名裂的水兵。I would rather have a good Marine, even a ruined Marine, than anything the world when there are chips down.

在过去的18个月中,许多人身败名裂,涌现了许多轰动一时的解雇事件,大量企业宣告破产。The past 18 months have seen many reputations ravaged,plenty of high-profile sackings and a lot of business failures.

在欧洲,冒险失败一次,就不会再有第二次的机会,而且还会身败名裂。In Europe, "once you try a venture and you don't succeed, you don't get a second chance, but you get a stigma," he said.

拥有五盎司的大麻并不算违法,但超过这个量你就可能会因为私藏毒品而身败名裂。Possessing five ounces of marijuana is not illegal, but any more than that and you could get busted for drug possession.

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积极的态度通常能使你获利,而冲动或者轻率鲁莽的态度很容易使你身败名裂。A positive attitude always works in favor of you while an attitude which is impulsive and rash can easily ruin your reputation.

蒋元表示再次涉及毒品案件,法庭必定重判,蒋进会因而身败名裂永不翻身。Jiang yuan said that once again involved in drug cases, the court must be heavy sentences, Jiang Jin will ruin and never coming.

他最终落得身败名裂的下场,这是因为也门政府和人民加入了国际社会打击“基地”组织的共同努力。And he has met his demise because the government and the people of Yemen have joined the international community in a common effort against Al Qaeda.